[12:14:25] godog: wrt: blackbox probe alerts -- it would be really nice if each probe could also provide its own notes link. fundamentally it's kind of a multi-tenant service and a shellbox probe being down means something much different than an a probe against the cas service being down [12:24:54] cdanis: would that be for the runbook I imagine? for alerts in alerts.git the simplest would be to point users to a wikitech page with anchors for each service I think [12:25:10] for probes defined in puppet the customisation is easier indeed [12:25:43] for the runbook, it also would be nice to include a link to the main grafana dashboard for the service [12:26:30] the existing set of links feels like you're supposed to debug the prober itself, not the application in question :) [12:28:52] fair enough, could you file task(s) for this? thank you! [12:29:38] will do [12:31:36] we'll have to think about the implementation a little bit due to how things are done now, I can't make any promises on the timeline ATM but I definitely see where you are coming from