[10:50:59] hello o11y folks. I stumbled upon a stat and was wondering if you're aware of it. A puppet run on the prometheus hosts takes ~2m30s. This seems really long and also higher than the current waiting timeout on run-puppet-agent (basically running run-puppet-agent if another run is in progress will timeout before being able to run puppet on it). cc jbond [10:53:36] volans: 011y i have a feeling this is also related to the use of reduce over map/filter i need to double check [10:53:47] fyi this seems to be related /PUP-9561 [10:54:47] specifically https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PUP-9561?focusedCommentId=642277&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acomment-tabpanel#comment-642277 [10:55:09] jbond: is that pattern used specifically in the prometheus puppet code? because it's the same time from the oldest run saved in puppetboard (Jul 25 2022 - 12:45:12) [10:55:27] so might be before your patch, I don't recall timing precisely [10:55:34] oi think i used it in the import/export resources checking now [10:56:18] I don't see to see a time of the last puppet run in the puppet_agent* stats exported by node exporter [10:56:28] it would be nice to have it and ideally alert over some threshold [10:56:55] for consecutive runs (a single slow run might be a false positive, like the first puppet run) [10:56:56] volans: it may be in logstash [10:57:54] volans: yes i think it will be this bit https://github.com/wikimedia/puppet/blob/production/modules/wmflib/functions/resource/import.pp#L36-L48 [11:01:25] got it [11:03:11] the puppet dashboard in logstash seems empty, but I can't dig into that right now