[12:56:27] hi, can anyone confirm if librenms maintenance is happening today in 5 minutes' time? [12:57:29] jynus: I can confirm indeed, if not exactly in five min then shortly [12:57:52] yeah, sorry, not meant to rush, just making sure I had the right date [12:58:15] I am *really* bad with UTC + dates [12:59:49] heheh yeah me too, everytimezone.com has helped / is helping me [13:00:14] last week I sent a meeting for pdu maintenance on the wrong week, for example [13:02:03] actually, I think it was on the wrong month, and my teammates where very confused [13:02:08] *were [13:19:49] Hi jynus , we confirm the maintenance. :) [13:20:02] * denisse|m is also bad with timezones [13:33:22] I will be now in standby, ping me if there is any database rollback needed or when everything looks ok, to restart replication for db1117:m1