[19:10:12] Heya! I noticed that some bit.ly links are used in the runbooks for some alerts (e.g. https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/operations/alerts/+/refs/heads/master/team-sre/fastnetmon.yaml#14). Is bit.ly something we should be using in general? What about w.wiki or the phab link service? [19:17:13] brett: w.wiki links can only be made to Wikimedia project URLs, so a thing like that bit.ly link to a google docs cannot be replaced with a w.wiki link. [19:18:08] ah, I made the fatal assumption that it was a link to a wt page. [19:18:24] A very related question is why is that important documentation in a google doc, but I suppose that I don't want to start that fight myself [19:19:07] indeed, why is it in a gdoc? [19:19:17] I've been told that those are on google docs because they contain BEANS stuff and can't live on the prod cluster so they're available in case of an outage [19:19:27] I guess in this case it would be because folks want it password protected? [19:19:28] obviously can't access them myself to verify [19:20:58] yeah, if the content was on wikitech it would be public and it does look to have a bunch of info that we would not like to end up on hackernews. if it was on officewiki it could be protected, but also would be trapped inside the prod network which might be less than usable. [19:23:13] I guess that explains the usage of bit.ly only on the specific five alerts: fastnetmon, PHP saturation, PHP worker utilization, and LVS rx/cpu usage. [20:00:39] brett: bd808: your questions are in fact answered in the gdoc linked to by bitly in those cases :) [20:00:56] cdanis: What, you want me to *read*? [20:01:12] :) [20:01:26] brett: bd808: the document in question has a bunch of details (which should be kept private) about our ddos mitigation; we want it hosted off-infra because, well, if our CDN is being DDoSed, ... [20:02:12] brett: well, maybe just the section entitled `8 Appendix: Editing this document & rationale for gDocs` ;) [20:02:17] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SeXdegjsfL94R6XYB1I4Uv8yjCPH1tVXeL0taJF0NNs/edit?pli=1#heading=h.tkokawd81gqs [20:02:18] cdanis: Makes sense. Are the bit.ly links secured for a long-term? I'd hate to have them expire by the time they're needed :) [20:02:35] they're owned by my personal gmail account on bit.ly [20:02:48] so they shouldn't expire, and they shouldn't be editable by anyone but me [20:02:53] the classic SPOF :) [20:03:04] bd808: hey, I considered all the other SPOFs :) [20:03:37] the URL shortener space seems to have been distressingly monetized [20:04:02] starting with the expense of getting a domain that is short enough to help [20:04:27] mhm