[19:43:47] Anyone have a few minutes to help me understand an rsyslogd thing [19:43:49] ? [19:44:18] i'm pretty sure that I have things set up properly but I can't get kibana to display anything from the service (which is haproxy on e.g. cloudcontrol2005-dev.wikimedia.org) [20:12:37] andrewbogott: I see some haproxy logs in the last four hours `program:haproxy AND host:cloudcontrol2005*` in `logstash-*` indexes. [20:37:41] oops, got distracted. cwhite, that means that my problem is just having the wrong filter on kibana probably :) [20:38:09] let's see if I can figure out how to share... https://logstash.wikimedia.org/app/dashboards#/view/8aa679f0-d52e-11eb-81e9-e1226573bad4?_g=(filters%3A!()%2CrefreshInterval%3A(pause%3A!t%2Cvalue%3A0)%2Ctime%3A(from%3Anow-12h%2Cto%3Anow)) [20:52:10] I see. That dashboard is ECS and haproxy logs are legacy schema. [20:55:34] oh, and that dash just throws away anything that's not ECS? I was expecting to see records, just mangled ones :) [21:02:57] Yeah, the two schemas are incompatible. It'd be TypeError city! [21:13:19] ok then :) I'll just make another dash for haproxy. thanks [21:13:38] s/make/find/ apparently I already did all this [21:19:52] thanks cwhite [21:39:07] I'll have a look into what it would take to reformat haproxy logs into ECS. If they're simple enough then I'll just convert them and let you know.