[11:48:40] Hello. Please could a kindly VictorOps admin add Balthazar to the Data Platform SRE team? He's got an account, but I don't seem to have rights to add him to our team. Thanks. [12:21:11] slightly related, I also see some ex-employee in the list, is VO cleanup part of the offboarding? [13:12:51] for SREs it is [13:13:20] but I don't have any insight how has access to VO outside of SRE,so that needs to be self-managed by teams who have such access [13:19:12] btullis: {{done}} [13:20:18] godog: Many thanks [13:21:22] sure np [13:24:43] moritzm: ack, yes I meant to remove them as users in VO [13:37:08] I wasn't aware that there's a significant amount of people outside of SRE who use VO, maybe we should start tracking that in data.yaml, after all there's we also keep all the other access in one place [13:46:34] Another question for you \o/ - At the moment access to the grafana-grizzly repo seems locked down to ops: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/admin/repos/operations/grafana-grizzly,access [13:48:12] Would it be possible to give +1 rights to members of analytics, so that sgupta from the Data Products team cat submit a patch for an SLO dashboard? [14:04:28] btullis: I believe so, though I'll defer to herron [14:16:29] godog: Ack, thanks. [14:16:44] btullis: sure, doing that now [14:17:05] Ah, great. Cheers. [14:46:36] btullis: hows that look? should now let ldap/wmf upload/propose patches and +/-1, but still needing owner or ldap/ops to submit [15:07:25] herron: That looks great to me. I will ask Surbhi to test and confirm. [15:07:51] btullis: kk sounds good [18:19:46] Regarding ex-exmployees having access to SplunkOnCall, I think the best approach would be to set our SSO as the way to log-in. [18:19:58] That would also remove them access when they're offboarded. [18:36:18] https://help.victorops.com/knowledge-base/single-sign-sso/ [18:55:27] (SystemdUnitFailed) firing: (2) alertmanager-irc-relay.service on alert2001:9100 - https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Monitoring/check_systemd_state - https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/g-AaZRFWk/systemd-status - https://alerts.wikimedia.org/?q=alertname%3DSystemdUnitFailed [18:59:18] ^ This is me, it's expected. [19:03:24] d.enisse: fwiw we do have SSO login enabled, but afaik still will need to remove the associated account within vo