[12:46:38] Hi, where I can find source code of this dashboard: https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/000000521/kafka-mirrormaker [14:38:11] guram: If you mean the source of the dashboard visualisation, each panel has an info > JSON option to view its source. If you are staff or otherwise have admin access, then you can also login and see this more easily by clicking Edit on any panel. [14:45:12] guram: if you mean the source code that creates the metrics, those come from the prometeus exporter for Kafka. I'm not sure exactly where the source for that is. I imagine it's somewhere between https://github.com/apache/kafka/ and https://github.com/prometheus/jmx_exporter [15:27:16] I'm asking about grafana dashboard, I know about export and JSON. [15:29:10] guram: okay. have I answered your question? I am not sure if I understood it then. [15:30:43] It seems to be the only dashboard publicly available for MirrorMaker2, I can't google any other. [15:31:43] I wonder why it's not on github for example. [15:34:58] and here: https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/ [15:48:54] guram: okay, I understand now. you're not asking from a Wikimedia context. [15:49:20] I wasn't actually aware that people share dashboards. We just make our own in a few clicks whenever we need one, based on the metrics that we have available. [15:51:22] we make ours publicly available for the purpose of transparancy on the data. We don't intend to maintain generic dashboards for general re-use. Although you're more than free to export or otherwise use as inspiration if you think it's useful. I expect some of it will have been tuned specifically to our needs though. [15:52:03] if you are active in the grafana community to publish dashboards there, you're also free to publish something based on it there. no problem [15:55:04] I'm trying it now and it seems quite common to any mirror-maker2 monitoring. [15:59:03] I think the dashboard should be added to your github repos: https://github.com/orgs/wikimedia/repositories [16:01:16] more accurately to gerrit: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org [16:50:16] We don't publish it as a reusable package. It's one of thousands of dashboards we make directly in the Grafana application where we also edit it from time to time. [16:58:52] Ok, thanks to share it anyway.