[16:50:58] I have noticed that in some speedscope profiles, Excimer timers constructed by request-timeout appear to be rather expensive. Not sure if this is just a profiler artifact / misattribution [16:51:51] for instance, it supposedly takes 13% of request time here https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/xogZ3yrR/https_sandbox_sus1.speedscope.json [23:15:30] mszabo: that's interesting, I would assume it's real [23:16:11] you could confirm by benchmarking with $wgCriticalSectionTimeLimit = INF or 0 [23:16:20] then it won't start a timer for a critical section [23:19:00] If it's an artifact, it would mean some POSIX timer function like timer_create() is causing synchronous dispatch of queued events, that's possible I guess [23:20:43] performance of POSIX timers might change with glibc version or some details of the kernel