[08:04:31] Krinkle: thanks, I'll set that one up :) [08:04:48] and yeah, these are all k8s pods [08:05:26] here's the Monday morning trendline, looks like it overtook even ER https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/sq4UM3JI/Screenshot%202023-09-04%20at%2009.59.46.png [08:36:49] one suspect we're considering is UserOptionsModule, since it varies per user [09:14:02] actually that one should be fine [10:35:36] nothing really stands out, the highest values seem to be from modules that are plain file-based modules included in many places, likely because of cache misses on disparate wikis [10:36:23] the startup module at ~62 rps though is another interesting thing to look at [11:05:46] mszabo: we minify per-module with only content hash in the key. So being in many wikis and unique batch combos should be fine. [11:06:12] yeah, those file modules shouldn't be an issue [11:06:23] I don't suppose you see any pattern of an entry that has many duplicates or near duplicates in it if you dump them all? [11:06:27] user options is the highest, but it is special cased due to it being embedded [11:07:14] Like if you dump all the rl values and sort them [11:09:00] I'll need to augment the APCu endpoint we have to dump values in addition to keys as well, but will do so once that's done