[06:41:14] hashar: cool! [07:15:25] kostajh: theorically you can give it a try. I am in the process of adding TypeScript based linting to it [07:16:02] and hopefully thi week I ask for some beta testers [13:30:08] 10Quibble, 10Continuous-Integration-Infrastructure, 10Developer Productivity: Provide early feedback when a patch has job failures - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T323750 (10kostajh) >>! In T323750#8419328, @hashar wrote: > Ideally Zuul would report immediately when it knows that a change is not going to... [13:31:32] 10Quibble, 10GrowthExperiments, 10Continuous-Integration-Config, 10Growth-Team (Current Sprint), and 3 others: api-testing tests break for GrowthExperiments - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T320935 (10kostajh) 05Open→03Resolved >>! In T320935#8418795, @EUdoh-WMF wrote: > I see it, thanks a lot. The...