[10:40:10] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/P3pkIXII/image.png [11:10:11] Interesting error when restarting the airflow-scheduler on your instance: [11:10:16] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/9lPOMasg/ [11:10:38] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/eIvGM4hz/ [16:03:07] btullis: hmm... this would be something for fab but he's out. is it urgent? [16:04:20] isaacj: No, I don't think it's urgent. I just spotted it and thought I'd bring it to your collective attention. [16:05:00] At least, it's not urgent to me :-) but I'm happy to look at it in more depth and/or raise a ticket if you think it might help you with anything. [16:08:27] btullis: i'll make sure Fab sees it when he gets back but if you open a quick ticket, that'd be awesome because that'll be better context than i can give [16:08:46] Ack, will do. Thanks,.