[17:58:23] Leila asked before the stream ended if my suggestion was for logged in users or not. I didn't think about that, but I guess it could be for non-logged in users, at least as a pilot. That would have been Morton's idea [17:58:50] at least as I understood it [17:59:06] doesn't look like Leila's here though so maybe someone here can pass that on [18:13:24] mgerlach passed this back - thanks groceryheist ! we were talking a bit about it as well and it brought up I think two points. one was that it sounds like there has been some discussion of starting small at least with surfacing these suggested edits in-situ for folks who are already clicking through to edit an article. while that wouldn't be targeting readers->editors per se, it does lay the foundation for more contextual nudges [18:13:24] like what you bring up. the other was a counterpoint about being careful about not overwhelming editor moderation capacity and so thinking about how to balance lowering the barrier to edits with making sure they don't overwhelm the ability to patrol them (and support the newcomers when they don't quite get it right) [18:14:54] right. there will have to be control over how often such recommendations are made, and to which types of readers, and monitoring of community capacity to deal with it [18:15:58] I recognize it's kinda an ambitious or far-out idea. It's exciting that there's some talk about building up toward this direction though! [20:13:20] ambitious yes but also that's what experiments are for :) another related experiment in this space was with donors and editing that had some pretty good success: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Growth/Growth_team_updates#Update_2024-01-12:_Donor_Thank_You_page_results_on_English_Wikipedia [21:41:34] isaacj: that's awesome!