[06:59:17] o/ [08:02:05] hm no alerts from airflow since jul 1st was suspicious... checking there I see that all dags are off [08:04:59] suspecting that they were disabled for the hadoop maintenance on jul 1st [08:05:42] :( [08:06:57] is there a way to know which ones should be on and off other than tibal knowledge? [08:07:38] I don't think so :/ [08:07:47] unless it's in some doc [08:16:02] we can probably assume that ones that run right before the maintenance (with regards to their cron) are the ones that should be on [08:20:13] yes [08:21:45] errand (be back in ~2h) [10:42:18] lunch [12:46:56] lunch [16:04:39] dinner