[07:28:20] ebernhardson: thanks for the suggestion, but that would require to set up flink along with python repl, right? [07:28:31] (that's probably not complicated, though) [08:03:29] dcausse: 1-on-1? [08:03:36] oops [09:01:50] meal break [09:48:37] Lunch [10:16:08] lunch [12:40:26] errand [15:05:40] \o [15:06:00] zpapierski: not really, i mean from the repl you can poke around the system [15:06:18] zpapierski: you can look in directories, run 'subprocess.check_output(['du', '-sh', '/path/to/data']) [15:06:20] etc. [15:06:37] o/ [15:06:40] zpapierski: think of it like a really bad bash shell :) [15:07:09] or a really powerful one... with little to no regards for user comfort [15:07:36] the right solution is ssh into the machines, but we can't do that. I guess i figured out some time ago if i can run code on the machine i can look around it, it's just more work :) [15:09:36] you can ask yarn to run on a particular worker node? [15:10:03] dcausse: you can check the hostname and try again :) [15:10:07] :) [15:10:46] ebernhardson: any objection if I deploy https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/wikimedia/discovery/analytics/+/708211 ? [15:11:07] i have a thing somewhere that uses skein instead for same purpose, because you can directly control spinning up/down executors instead of roundabout with spark. But i forgot where... [15:11:23] dcausse: yea should be good [15:11:35] shipping, thanks [15:25:36] ebernhardson: can't remember if a change in the "spark" folder requires an explicit "refresh" in airflow or is it automatic like the dag folder? [15:29:47] dcausse: only the plugins folder requires a restart, the deciding factor is that airflow imports the plugin code and never triggers the code loading again [15:30:07] (dags may kinda-sorta feel like they are imported, but they instead go through a custom load process outside python imports) [15:32:09] ok thanks! [16:50:43] I wonder what python "requests" does, it takes 30secs to initiate some connection while curl is immediate on some urls [16:51:40] hmm, indeed that doesn't sound right. I would probably make a super short python script, then run `strace -e trace=network python scripy.py` [16:52:03] it might only really tell you that it opened a socket and waited a bunch [16:53:21] what strange is that it's only on some urls, for instance search.svc is ok but https://kubernetes1003.eqiad.wmnet:4007 is not [16:55:24] it's waiting in connect [16:55:25] curl is defaulting to ipv4, [16:55:43] requests is querying something with ipv6, not sure if its trying to use it yet [16:56:03] ah maybe [16:56:56] connect(3, {sa_family=AF_INET6, sin6_port=htons(4007), inet_pton(AF_INET6, "2620:0:861:103:10:64:32:23", &sin6_addr), sin6_flowinfo=htonl(0), sin6_scope_id=0}, 28^C) = ? ERESTARTSYS (To be restarted if SA_RESTART is set) [16:57:28] yea, requests is failing to do ipv6. `curl -6 -k --head` gives the same delay [16:57:39] yeah seeing this as well [16:57:48] while curl is doing connect(6, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(4007), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 EINPROGRESS (Operation now in progress) [16:57:50] ok [17:06:54] used https://pythonadventures.wordpress.com/2019/06/28/force-requests-to-use-ipv4/ for now (somewhat hackish tho) [17:07:19] will check with service-ops tomorrow might be known issue [17:18:46] i suppose randomly useful info, almost every function strace reports has a man page in section 2. `man 2 setsockopt` etc. I don't know what most of the strace output means, but can guess and read :) [17:24:32] personnaly I just post my question here and I wait for Erik to answer :P [17:33:33] lol [19:53:51] random english question re: "Rewrite not found top-level assets into the per-site docroot to support per-site favicon/etc.". On reading my patch before submitting i noticed lots of hypens and that i don't actually know where they go. Light searching suggests appropriate compound adjectives, maybe? Do those even go there? [19:54:06] (doesn't actually matter, just curious :) [20:28:15] one step closer to the euthanasia roller coaster we talked about a while ago: https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20210821/p2a/00m/0na/004000c [21:48:18] ebernhardson: random English answer—your intuitions are good! Hyphenating phrases that act as adjectives (i.e., modify other nouns) is good practice. [21:49:04] Let me know when you are ready to branch out into en dashes!! :)