[09:59:20] relocating [10:27:38] lunch [15:01:25] \o [15:03:10] o/ [15:05:30] o/ [15:33:18] gaming unmeeting everyone [15:33:18] gaming unmeeting: https://meet.google.com/xgq-wvik-dkp [22:26:26] scala is full of so many hoops and random limitations ... An AbstractFunction is serializable, not because it is but because the compiler turns anonymous function syntax into serializables. But a partially applied function is not serializable :P [22:27:08] * ebernhardson wishes a function were a function were a function, all these pits to fall into seem to serve the compiler rather than the programmer [22:27:54] but of course, a partial function can come from a method definition which has generic types. An anonymous function can't have generic types afaict ...