[12:45:17] reminder: WDQS Scaling conversation is starting in 15', make sure you have access to https://wikidatacon2021.venueless.events/ (cc: dcausse, zpapierski, tanny411) [12:50:10] gehel: Thanks for the reminder! [12:51:43] I'm was in but was kicked out [12:51:58] looks like the room is reset between sessions [12:52:07] I just rejoined (I was kicked out as well) [12:52:20] Make sure you join with mic and not in listen only mode [13:30:06] gehel: how does this look btw? https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wmde/wikidata-wikibase-architecture/d280f7a22e529d83151356feb3c8b81d4a3b29c2/systems/Query/diagrams/03-technical-context.drawio.svg [13:31:01] though perhaps I shoud colour code the alternate updater solutions