[07:04:31] I forgot I have to bring Oscar to the hospital to test his implants this morning. I'll be back around 11am CET [07:43:55] that actually makes my day easier because I need to visit a sweedish shop (turns out we forgot something rather important for our bedroom :) - I'm going on errand around 10:30am CET [07:44:07] not bedroom, bathroom [08:20:09] zpapierski: when can we continue [08:20:21] how about now? [08:20:27] Sure [09:24:18] * gehel is on the way back [09:24:50] dcausse: I might be a bit late for our 1:1, I'll ping you when I'm back [09:49:28] * gehel is back! [10:14:32] errand, then lunch [10:53:40] Lunch [11:10:35] lunch [13:55:11] can i confirm that we don't/can't currently track WDQS 3rd party reuse? (I'm not even sure it's possible for someone else to set up their own WDQS instance right now) [13:56:39] mpham: I don't think we can track this but it's possible to setup your own wdqs (c.f. https://addshore.com/2019/10/your-own-wikidata-query-service-with-no-limits/) [13:58:04] thanks! that helps [14:05:49] You can infer wdqs by others based on some requests that the old updater makes [14:06:01] And roughly figure out how many are out in the wild staying up to date [14:06:25] good point, haven't thought about that [14:09:06] ejoseph: ready for plugin upgrades? [14:17:22] yh sure [14:17:47] https://code-with-me.jetbrains.com/Bn8kY9mVMm_EebNJRrHN8A#p=IU&fp=DE216F6A32BD08E8179ADE7FB5B535E2E4697254B398FCFC87B8A2C7D11DC8BF [14:20:36] errand [14:59:58] dcausse: once you're back, mind helping out with Lucene issue? We're having issues with replacing MultiFields.getTerms, which was removed and replaced with a non-static version [15:14:14] zpapierski: I'm around [15:14:54] but atm ejoseph isn't, also I think I've located the way of doing that [15:15:37] I’m back now [15:25:37] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/USpExt0J/ [15:26:14] Terms terms = SlowCompositeReaderWrapper.wrap(directoryReader).terms("field"); [15:27:01] https://github.com/apache/lucene/blob/releases/lucene-solr%2F8.7.0/lucene/core/src/java/org/apache/lucene/index/MultiFields.java [15:27:13] https://github.com/apache/lucene/blob/releases/lucene-solr%2F7.7.3/lucene/core/src/java/org/apache/lucene/index/MultiFields.java [15:54:40] Trey314159: \o [15:54:48] err, i guess i already tab completed earlier :P [15:55:57] o/ [16:34:12] o/ [16:34:33] dcausse: would you understand isIndexed and tokenized() similarly? [16:35:06] MappedFieldType lost its inheritance of FieldType [16:35:22] which made tokenized() method unavailable [16:35:42] zpapierski: which class? [16:36:00] in elastic context I think they're slightly different [16:36:11] but there's a method isSearchable that returns isIndexed (super consistent naming :) ) [16:36:15] you can be "indexed" without being tokenized [16:36:29] aren't you just "keywordly" tokenized then? [16:37:00] actually, now that I think about it, I don't know how is that tokenized() derived exactly [16:37:09] elastic considers them different. Non-tokenized data can go into docvalues, for example [16:37:13] I think they are treated differently in the sense that you can have doc values for keyword [16:37:33] I know, but I'm asking other way around [16:37:46] zpapierski: what's the context? [16:37:49] or might not, depending on how ES treats that [16:37:56] wanna join? [16:38:04] sure [16:38:08] same link? [16:38:22] nope, ejoseph will send you one [16:38:36] sent [16:40:10] https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/blob/6.8/server/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/index/mapper/MappedFieldType.java [16:40:29] https://github.com/apache/lucene/blob/c0112dd2ff904ee282bca074dcd9a6c3a8775982/lucene/core/src/java/org/apache/lucene/document/FieldType.java [19:33:14] dinner