[08:39:33] gehel: i will be an hour late this morning for our meeting [08:40:03] good morning all [08:42:36] ejoseph: ack [10:03:05] ejoseph: around? [10:03:15] or should we move this meeting to this afternoon? [10:04:56] i am around [10:05:01] joining now [11:27:02] Lunch + errand [13:39:36] Greetings! Will be a bit late. I mailed something expensive last night and just realized I didn't actually affix the postage ;( [13:40:47] should be back in ~1 hr [14:35:05] aand back [15:36:25] I don't think I'll be able to make triage today, unfortunately, due to ongoing tooth pain :( Feel free to message me async about anything though, or leave until the new year [15:50:40] mpham: take care! Take the time you need! [16:01:06] ryankemper: triage meeting: https://meet.google.com/qho-jyqp-qos [17:02:07] quick work out, back in ~30 [17:43:15] And back [18:11:01] Added brian as a member of https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/admin/groups/7213f78459bb36f26379f4af595a2ca62de45727,members [19:30:38] inflatador: did you find a spot on my calendar for an elasticsearch presentation? (btw: ryankemper do you want to be there as well?) [19:31:50] gehel in benefits mtg ATM but will send invite by EoD [19:32:35] ack! check with ryankemper if he should be there as well or not (this would usually make scheduling more difficult, but this week is low key enough that we should be able to find a time) [20:09:18] lunch [20:48:04] aannd back [21:34:13] Is there a way to browse repos directly in gerrit? I'm looking at https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/admin/repos/operations/puppet and I don't see it. Sorry, used to Github/Gitlab UI [21:35:36] inflatador: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/operations/puppet/+/refs/heads/production [21:35:45] They are github replicas though [21:35:56] If you prefer that (so do I) [21:35:56] inflatador: look for a gitiles link [21:36:50] And yes, Gerrit UI was designed by a blind developer who wanted a CLI only interface but was forced to implement a web UI [21:37:09] gehel: is that true? [21:37:19] You'll get use to it by the time we migrate to gitlab [21:37:24] * RhinosF1 does feel it sums it up well [21:37:27] LOL [21:37:34] RhinosF1: no, but it sometimes feels like it [21:38:03] I still use github instead unless it's for editing [21:38:05] We really did have a blind dev at my last job, it was kinda cool going over his setup [21:38:14] gehel: it really does [21:38:40] gehel: can I please put that on bash too [21:40:14] RhinosF1: feel free [21:40:41] oh yeah, forgot about the github mirror, good call RhinosF1 [21:41:44] inflatador: I use it all the time :) [21:41:51] https://bash.toolforge.org/quip/UXDK2X0Ba_6PSCT9dMU2 [21:42:45] Damn, not sure that's how I want to be remembered ! [21:43:24] And for the record, I have the outmost respect for blind developers (and not that it is entirely on topic, but my oldest son is deaf) [21:45:23] We all do [21:47:39] oh yeah, no offense taken on that comment, but I appreciate the thoughtful response [22:00:10] RhinosF1: and now I blame you for the time I'm loosing reading our bash ! [22:01:33] gehel: I once spent like a 2 hour car journey reading bash [22:38:59] My current favorite platform bashing rant in bash is https://bash.toolforge.org/quip/AVfTAUmefIH_7EDsriqu [23:40:01] thanks ryankemper for your help today, I'm out! [23:40:22] \o [23:41:41] bd808: I love that one too, partially because it makes me feel better at not understanding puppet properly :P [23:41:49] better about* [23:42:42] heh. I got a long a lot better with Puppet when I started thinking about it as a set of test assertions instead of a programming language [23:42:47] *along [23:43:50] I've found that 90% of the questions I ask people about puppet I'd have already known the answer if I properly sat down and read the docs on all the fundamentals :P [23:44:02] * ryankemper glances at eternally unfinished TODO list