[04:12:44] Is there a convenient SPARQL query or similar that tells me the timestamp of the latest revision loaded? It would be good for comparing against my own [04:12:59] (Wikidata Query Service I Mean) [08:30:13] errand, back in a few [12:59:52] greetings [13:09:18] gehel: any objections to https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/wikimedia/discovery/discovery-maven-tool-configs/+/805394 ? [13:09:20] 4 space for scala [13:45:03] dropping off kids, back in ~20 [14:12:26] oops, forgot I have a doctor appointment. Back in ~20 or so [14:12:47] + [14:13:07] t' r' [14:16:27] ottomata: I don't care, as long as you use tabs! [14:16:39] more seriously, I'll have a look, but I don't care much [14:22:18] ottomata: since we talked about it before, next refactoring workshop is tomorrow. Add your name if you are interested: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Code_Health_Group/projects/DevEd/Workshops [14:35:05] gehel: i'll come espeically since you are so kind and helpful in code reviews :D [14:35:55] gehel: do i need to checkout that mentioned code? [14:36:11] Thanks! And of you know someone else who would be interested, forward the invite. [14:36:59] Yes, you should check out the code (probably the Java branch) before the workshop. And ideally, read it and try to refactor it [14:37:39] kay [14:38:23] gehel: merged that scala whitespace patch. how do we release so we can use it? [14:38:32] gehel just got back from doctor if you want to do the ITC after all [14:40:57] inflatador: it's going to be too short. I rescheduled it for this Friday (sorry for breaking the no meeting Friday) [14:41:39] ottomata: You'll need to release it to Maven Central (do you already have access?) and then update and release the parent pom. [14:43:22] ottomata: you'll need to create a sonatype account: https://central.sonatype.org/publish/publish-guide/#create-a-ticket-with-sonatype [14:43:28] gehel: just via mvn release? i don't think i've ever pushed to mvn central [14:43:33] gehel no problem [14:44:27] ottomata: yes, but with the `deploy-central` profile: https://github.com/wikimedia/wikimedia-discovery-discovery-parent-pom#distribution-management [14:45:23] ottomata: example ticket: https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/OSSRH-56516 [14:46:11] wow uh, is it crazy that we have to ask sonatype.org to be able to deploy? ...should we just use archiva? [14:46:53] So i should make a ticket to add me to org.wikimedia project first? [14:47:15] We could. Having things on Central makes it easier for others to reuse, but why not be entirely self sufficient... [14:47:36] yes, you need to create a jira account and ask to be added to org.wikimedia [14:48:27] I might argue that we might want to drop archiva entirely and stop spending time operating it. [14:48:33] :) [14:49:52] https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/OSSRH-81920 [14:50:34] done [14:50:46] okay so now i wait, ya? [14:50:57] yep. They are usually pretty fast. [14:51:07] If this is urgent, I can do the deploy [14:51:15] btw, i'd love to stop maintaining archiva, it is a pain. but, if we do that i guess we could also stop maintaining our own docker registry too? [14:51:21] gehel: not urgent [14:51:23] ty [15:08:36] gehel any idea who owns this Maps application? re: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T311039 it was assigned to us [15:09:56] inflatador: I think it was taken over by Platform Engineering. On the SRE side, Hugh should be the primary contact. [15:14:16] ACK, added Hugh and Msantos as recommended by other SREs [15:21:10] okay gehel i have perms now! do i just do [15:21:11] ./mvnw -B -P deploy-central release:prepare && ./mvnw -B -P deploy-central release:perform [15:21:11] ? [15:21:32] you'll need your GPG key, but yes, that should be all [15:27:25] ottomata: note that once you deploy, it takes a while for things to synchronize to Maven Central (usually 10-20 minutes) [15:28:10] i'll need my gpg key.... [15:28:47] @team: reminder to fill the engagement survey: https://wikimedia.slack.com/archives/C024KLHSA/p1655451980272219 [15:28:50] trying [15:28:52] deadline: today [15:29:23] gehel: [15:29:27] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/F5s1mDsb/ [15:30:21] the warning can probably be ignored [15:30:31] let me check on the gerrit permissions [15:31:40] Do you have a gerrit group that would make sense to add to this repos? [15:31:59] you need "Push Merge Commit" to make the release [15:32:29] hmm, maybe analytics? [15:32:34] might as well? [15:32:45] ack [15:34:13] should be done [15:34:32] you probably need to do a `mvn release:clean` before trying again [15:39:18] hm, okay looks like clean did not revert to the commit before removing SNAPSHOT [15:39:28] i think if i reset to the head commit i want, it'll work [15:39:29] trying [15:39:46] or you can release again. version numbers are cheap [15:39:54] well the first one didn't go through [15:40:01] so my local working copy was not in sync with what is needed [15:40:03] need to reset local? [15:40:12] resetting should work [15:40:16] okay need more rights [15:40:18] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/cKPijrhC/ [15:42:22] should be good now (I think) [15:42:44] ahh [15:42:44] [ERROR] fatal: tag 'discovery-maven-tool-configs-1.18' already exists [15:42:45] grr [15:42:53] hm [15:43:27] increment to 1.19 [15:43:36] well, 1.19-SNAPSHOT [15:45:29] inflatador: the refactoring workshop will probably be Java tomorrow. But let's schedule another one in Python. Do you know other people who might want to join a Python version? Maybe ryankemper (for a refresh)? [15:46:34] gehel that's fine, I'll skip the Java one but will ask around about the Python refactor. Maybe some of the Structured Data team ;P [15:47:10] I think the SD team might be more into PHP (I have a PHP version as well). But who knows... [15:47:21] [INFO] [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.sonatype.plugins:nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.8:deploy (injected-nexus-deploy) on project discovery-maven-tool-configs: Execution injected-nexus-deploy of goal org.sonatype.plugins:nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.8:deploy failed: Server credentials with ID "ossrh" not found! -> [Help 1] [15:47:30] oh so my gpg key has to go on my profile? that is what you meant? [15:48:00] ottomata: Oh, ofc. You need to have your maven central credentials in your local .m2/settings.xml [15:48:45] For reference: [15:48:49] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/iDQya3rn/ [15:49:02] thanks was just looking or the id [15:49:53] This should be documented in the parent pom README. There is a vague line, but this should be improved: https://github.com/wikimedia/wikimedia-discovery-discovery-parent-pom#deploy-a-snapshot [15:50:38] should it also be documented on the maven-tool-configs? i was looking there at first [15:51:32] I'd rather not duplicate the documentation, but linking to the discovery-parent-pom might make sense [15:52:02] aye [15:52:37] that tool-config project is changed so rarely that it might not make sense to invest in documenting it better [15:53:08] can/shoudl we make it a module of parent-pom in same repo? [15:53:52] we **should**, but we **can't**. Weird things about inter module dependencies (or at least I could not figure out how to do it). [15:54:07] oh okay [15:54:07] ha [15:54:22] ...i think i did it! [15:54:24] [INFO] [WARNING] The requested profile "deploy-central" could not be activated because it does not exist. [15:54:24] [INFO] Cleaning up after release... [15:54:24] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [15:54:24] [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [15:55:18] at least there is a tag: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/wikimedia/discovery/discovery-maven-tool-configs/+/refs/tags/discovery-maven-tool-configs-1.21 [15:55:58] I dont see anything at https://oss.sonatype.org/#stagingRepositories , which probably means that the staging repo was closed properly. [15:56:02] Now we just need to wait. [15:56:17] okay [15:57:20] not yet visible in https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/wikimedia/discovery/discovery-maven-tool-configs/ but that's expected. [15:57:59] Then, this property needs to be updated and the parent pom published: https://github.com/wikimedia/wikimedia-discovery-discovery-parent-pom/blob/master/pom.xml#L67 [16:05:45] dinner, back later [16:08:59] 1.21 here! https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/wikimedia/discovery/discovery-maven-tool-configs/1.21/ [16:10:30] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/wikimedia/discovery/discovery-parent-pom/+/807172 [16:11:39] gehel: should we get https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/wikimedia/discovery/discovery-parent-pom/+/800733 out too since we'll be doing a release? [16:11:40] rebasing... [16:14:06] yeah another doctor appointment, hopefully back soon [16:22:33] ottomata: that would make sense [16:27:46] well, I messed up my appointment time, apparently it's in 2 hours [16:41:52] ok rebased and merged that [16:42:06] going to release parent pom! [16:56:46] [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [16:57:11] https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/wikimedia/discovery/discovery-parent-pom/1.56/ [17:27:58] lunch, back in ~30 [17:59:03] I can't make the SRE meeting, headed to doc to look at my knee [18:04:09] Is something wring with gerrit, doesnt load for me [18:04:32] cant confirm. gerrit works for me. maybe routing /network issue [18:04:42] because gerrit is not behind caching [18:05:04] well my network is slow, but other things do load (slowly) [18:05:16] so that often indicates some other issue you wouldn't notice on wiki but on tools like gerrit and icinga [18:06:01] tanny411: you might try the things described on https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Reporting_a_connectivity_issue [18:08:08] Doctor appointment, back in ~45-60m [18:34:05] ottomata: great! I'll upgrade the Search Platform projects [19:22:14] Deadline today for the inclusion survey: https://wikimedia.slack.com/archives/C024KLHSA/p1655451980272219 (cc: ryankemper, ejoseph) [19:48:40] back, sorry it took so long...had to get an x-ray [20:32:07] has anyone tried moving the elastic keystore from one place to another? Just trying to think of a way of efficiently running the "elasticsearch-keystore add" command, we're going to have to add the S3 credentials to all instances of all elastic hosts [21:52:47] ^^ ryan-kemper and I tested this and it appears to have worked [22:00:54] out for the day, see y'all tomorrow