[10:51:47] Lunch [11:13:51] going out for lunch, might be back a bit late around 3pm [12:40:12] lunch [14:07:34] o/ [16:01:31] \o [16:06:16] o/ [16:09:09] meh, just realized while re-reading my sharding of the cirrus dump (on the snapshots hosts, not hadoop), that this now re-dumps metastore for each invocation of the script...i guess thats fine, its tiny, but a little messy [16:10:19] does not seem to be a big deal as long as it does not fail to overwrite existing file? [16:11:17] but perhaps better to make it separate process (or simply drop it, do we need this dump)? [16:11:23] hmm, i guess should update the temp file names used to make sure multiple invocations don't use the same temp file [16:11:32] it writes to a temp file and then moves in place [16:12:02] not sure if we need the metastore dump, i've never really used it (except indirectly, with saneitizer) [16:12:21] i know it records the analysis chain versioning/git hashes, but we mostly track that manually [16:12:45] yes, and we don't update the version numbers there so it's not really useful [16:14:48] I feel that this index is not important enough that we spend time on it, so if it's a problem that it's dumped multiple times I'd be for stopping to dump it [16:15:56] yea, i think it makes sense to simply drop it from this. Making it use unique temp files and move into place would make it correct, but still useless [16:17:24] last question is what to do with the 'current' symlink ... in theory that should run after all the dumps have completed, but now they are all separate systemd timers :P Maybe ignore that bit [16:55:46] oh current is a folder :/ [16:55:58] hmm, it should be a symlink [16:56:10] the code does `rm -f current; ln -s $today current` [16:56:18] ebernhardson: check on the quickview discussion on slack when you have sec. [16:56:20] I'm off to the dentist! [16:56:29] i guess there is no -r, so it wouldn't delete if it became a folder at some point. looking [16:56:53] so it'll only work if the system timer runs on the same date [16:57:27] otherwize one day we'll see group 0 wikis and another one group 1 ones [16:57:48] i think they should, they all use the same timer definition and the today variable gets captured before doing anything. But indeed it's not the strongest guarantee [16:58:10] something like airflow could better schedule this kind of dependency :P [16:58:11] or expose the group as a folder: dumps/group0/current [16:58:17] indeed! [16:58:49] i suppose i don't really want to re-engineer, but i think we could generate the dumps from the hadoop side and simply copy them into hdfs [16:59:07] err, copy into nfs [16:59:26] ultimately yes [16:59:46] so yes perhaps let's try the minimal effort approach and see how far we get? [17:01:04] quick break, back in ~40 [17:01:05] yea i think will leave it with the less-than-perfect current symlink and see how it goes [17:01:08] if Ariel is OK redoing the same symlink multiple times I'm all for it [17:32:20] * ebernhardson realizes while filling out the ITC that it's supposed to be about a specific quarter but i usually write about whats been happening recently :P So my Q4 ITC talks about the elastic 6->7 upgrade, but technically thats the Q1 ITC that is due now [17:33:57] it's confusing as hell, I try to speak about the proper Q but when discussing with discussing with I realize that we do not talk about the same period :) [17:34:23] s/when discussing with discussing/when discussing with Guillaume/ [17:36:03] lol, yea sounds about right [18:41:53] back, sorry it took so long [19:04:47] dinner [19:31:48] ryankemper: pairing session: https://meet.google.com/eki-rafx-cxi [19:41:30] b?r[yi]an (aka inflatador and ryankemper ): is today or tomorrow an okay time to do some reindexing? [21:20:43] Trey314159 I think it would be OK unless ebernhardson has any specific objections. We need to do a cluster restart at some point, but it's not urgent [21:21:25] It's one really small wiki and one medium, so it shouldn't take too long! [21:29:49] Trey314159 Fire away then, but do hit us up here when you're done [21:29:59] Will do! [21:33:34] inflatador: gehel: bleh sorry for missing pairing, phone charger got unseated overnight somehow [21:38:45] no worries, you did all the work last time ;)