[13:08:58] Hi! I’m currently trying to get a better understanding of the communication between CirrusSearch and Elasticsearch (via Elastica). So I launched wm core + cirrussearch locally and created a page. CirrusSearch creates a bulk request with two sub requests: a) {update}, b) {script, upsert} [13:11:28] When I reproduce this with the flink-elasticsearch connector (java elasticsearch client) it fails when validating this bulk request. Who could tell me more about the elasticsearch requests? [13:37:01] that sounds like a question for ebernhardson (or David once he is back from vacation) [13:44:09] inflatador: o/ [18:08:38] back [18:51:52] lunch, back in ~30-45 [19:14:52] aaannd back [20:01:34] do we have anything important on the cloudvirt-wdqs hosts? Seeing some alerts for them now [20:01:44] ryankemper ^^ [20:02:35] inflatador: honestly can’t remember what those hosts get used for [20:09:07] I vaguely remember getting emails about them during a migration. ebernhardson do you know if the cloudvirt-wdqs hosts are in active use? [20:09:52] cloudvirt-wdqs are the physical servers hosting our WDQS VMs in WMCS [20:10:26] the wikimedia-cloud team should manage the cloudvirt* servers and you don't need to care too much about them [20:10:57] gehel ACK thanks. so if I go to the 'wikidata-query' project in Horizon, I assume the VMs there are hosted on these boxes? [20:11:22] yep (not necessarily all of them, but the large ones certainly) [20:12:02] We needed larger VMs than what's usually available in WMCS to be able to load the full Wikidata dataset, so we now have dedicated servers for those. [20:12:04] hmm, there's only 2 boxes there and they're small. Maybe there's a separate place where those live. Will track it down [20:13:32] anyway, you don't need to care about cloudvirt* (unless you really want to). [20:14:10] We don't have any active testing on WMCS for wikidata at the moment, so we don't really care if they crash in horrible ways. (we probably deleted the instances since we did not have any current need for them) [20:14:29] not particularly, I'll open a task to follow up with the WMCS team just for clarity [20:14:50] probably just add some docs to say we don't need to worry about these hosts