[10:02:52] lunch [10:04:23] lunch 2 [11:59:20] lunch + errands [15:02:37] dcausse: triage in https://meet.google.com/eki-rafx-cxi [17:10:20] dinner [17:39:09] hmm, airflow-dags tests pass locally....but CI is failing with `libssl.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory` :( [18:17:51] gitlab really doesn't make it easy to recreate what CI is doing locally to debug :( [21:24:38] Lunch/aquarium, back in ~2h [21:37:57] flink docs on late events are dreadfully unclear, going to have to do some testing. [21:44:26] https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-master/docs/dev/datastream/operators/windows/#allowed-lateness [21:44:27] ? [22:07:04] ottomata: right, but the question is how the timing of it all works out. I think what happens, but it's not clear, is that events are "late" but allowed into the window, which results in multi-fires of the same window, but then events that come if after the allowed lateness can be redirected to a side output [22:07:29] but it's not particularly clear, i find the use of "late" in both context's with a slightly different definition to be imprecise at best [22:08:12] a late event results in multiple fires of the window, and a late event goes into the late events side output. but the second late is after the first late :P