[10:09:28] lunch [13:15:25] o/ [16:24:15] hmm, Pattern.compile("example").equals(Pattern.compile("example")) is always false. Is there a proper way to compare these things? [16:24:37] In a test case i'm comparing the parsed configuration with the expected configuration, but the patterns don't equal each other [16:29:09] stackoverflow says..no :P Noone has a particular reason for it, but the stdlib doesn't implement a useful Pattern.equals [16:30:30] you can get the string pattern back with Pattern#pattern() but this is probably not what you want? [16:31:05] i can, i suppose i wanted assertThat(a).containsExactlyEntriesOf(b) to work, but i can do some extra transformations [16:34:30] It isn't helpful to say, "Java is stupid," but I find it does make me feel better sometimes. [17:17:42] lunch/errands, back in ~75 [17:46:08] dinner [18:20:10] back [20:12:20] break, back in ~20 [20:26:58] back