[00:00:07] * ebernhardson now realizes the listener never actually throws things, it has a special mailbox executor that it queues into and throws from that thread [00:27:33] hmm, dumbest idea possible: BulkResponse exposes the internal responses array, so iterate through them and replace some :P [11:14:13] lunch [16:31:58] \o [16:35:05] \o [16:37:09] o/ [17:56:29] dinner [20:07:16] * ebernhardson somehow can't find the string "document_missing_exception" anywhere other than embedded in a larger error message in the BulkItemResponse, even though it comes as it's own field in the raw json :( [22:29:39] consumer is running again, it's processed a few thousand records and probably has many more to go [22:38:06] hmm, somehow envoy_http_downstream_rq_total started reporting metrics for our namespace when the consumer started running again...but the numbers are barely incrementing. Somehow i doubt we sent 11k records through enrichment and made 14 http requetss [22:49:05] oh, hmm actually it was previously reporting metrics but since updating the chart is hasn't :(. From flink metrics can see it processing 8-12 events per sec and 100% busy, not sure if thats too low or not