[04:31:54] Need to catch up on sleep. Won't be at search retro tomorrow, unless I naturally wake up by 8 [06:34:12] Data reload's at 976/1023, and we just passed the ~2 day mark. Seems like we're on track for 2.2 days or thereabouts [11:59:44] thx r.yankemper - T362920#9783060 - I hopped into the tmux session, done, 2.15 days. as an aside, no difference on the gaming machine - T359062#9783025 ; guessing the BIOS setting on the gaming machine does the high perf stuff already does what it's supposed to do [11:59:44] T362920: Benchmark Blazegraph import with increased buffer capacity (and other factors) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T362920 [11:59:45] T359062: Assess Wikidata dump import hardware - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T359062 [13:19:42] i think we should skip retro given folks being out. anyone strongly want the session, though? [14:18:46] not I [14:56:59] thx inflatador . ok, ryankemper ebernhardson see a need to retro today? [15:00:22] \o [15:00:27] shrug, can skip [15:01:42] shrug shrug back [15:25:53] mind blown. Apparently you can define a __getattr__ function in a module, and it works just like the class varient but at module level [15:31:31] ebernhardson: type(yourmodule) => ;) [15:32:14] volans: huh, i guess that makes sense [15:32:43] everything is an object, and __getattr__ is part of object [15:32:45] see also https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#customizing-module-attribute-access [15:52:19] workout, back in ~40 [16:35:10] back [17:23:48] lunch, back in time for pairing [17:48:26] inflatador: which time we pairing at? it's listed at 2pm (pst) on my calendar rn, but I can do either time [18:30:44] ryankemper just got back...whichever you prefer. I'm working on https://github.com/apache/airflow/blob/main/INSTALL ATM [18:31:01] inflatador: cool, finishing up some food but will join in 5m [21:06:57] reminder, standup updates [21:28:56] heading out slightly early...see y'all tomorrow [21:29:45] ttfn [21:29:47] ryankemper if you feel like hacking on the airflow img, repo is at https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/data-engineering/airflow/-/blob/mvp/blubber.yaml?ref_type=heads [21:45:54] dr0ptp4kt: Do we need to run any further tests on wdqs2023 or should I return it to normal production operation? [21:51:14] oh, and does `tee` actually overwrite files rather than append? just checked the log for the second data run and it only had the end time and nothing else. fortunately tmux buffers are a thing