[06:51:09] inflatador: sweet! thank you for enabling 4lw in zk [10:37:24] lunch [12:53:22] o/ [13:51:08] dcausse pfischer I see we have a WMCS/Data Engineering sync that conflicts with our pairing, is it OK if we cancel? [13:58:42] inflatador: sure [14:00:00] dcausse cool, I cancelled our mtg [14:18:25] If someone with some familiarity with Maven could review : https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/ci-tools/wmf-jvm-parent-pom/-/merge_requests/12 ... [14:32:35] gehel: lgtm (can't approve nor merge on this repo) [14:33:01] I'll merge, your IRC approval is good enough for me [15:02:36] Wednesday meeting is starting in https://meet.google.com/eki-rafx-cxi (dcausse) [15:57:25] workout, back in ~40 [16:50:51] back [17:50:27] lunch, back in ~40 [18:21:51] back [19:00:36] medical appointment, back in ~2h [20:22:04] back [20:31:50] I'll send out an email tomorrow, but FYI I'm working on a docs refresh in T356806 and will def need some help writing and reviewing [20:31:51] T356806: Document review/refresh for https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Search - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T356806 [20:39:45] sigh...i forgot that my reindexing script can't make api calls, because of private wikis :S [20:39:57] * ebernhardson ponders a stupid hack that submits api requests via mwscript and FauxRequest :P [21:35:55] Just restarted a single cloudelastic chi node and now cloudelastic chi is red...looking into it now [21:36:11] inflatador: oh, that would be because there was a reindex in progress [21:36:31] inflatador: i suppose it should have deleted the bad index though, but it might depend how cirrus fails [21:39:04] ebernhardson back to yellow, I assume you deleted the dangling alias? [21:39:29] inflatador: no, i think what happens is you restarted the node, the reindex failed, cirrus cleaned up the failed index, then the orchestration has now started a new reindex [21:40:05] ah, got it. thanks [21:40:17] i'm curious if it will backfill appropriately, i suspect this is showing a problem in my orchestration :P [21:40:41] inflatador: look, they "heard" my pleas: https://9to5mac.com/2024/03/08/parallels-desktop-update-games-clipboard/ [21:40:42] it will register a backfill request for this time period, but i don't actually check for time overlaps when clearing out the requests after it completes (i didn't consider i could get 2 backfill requests) :P [21:40:59] for same wiki at least [21:41:35] * dr0ptp4kt oops didn't mean to distract with mention, got overly excited about clipboard [21:41:46] dr0ptp4kt happens to the best of us ;) [21:42:00] you can tell from the learning circle that I'm a clipboard enthusiast [21:42:05] i think this is actually going to work, but only by accident because the backfill should finish before the backfill request is registered [21:42:15] :) [21:42:28] sometimes better to be lucky than good ;) [23:08:48] briefly pondered if we could stop using 0 replicas during reindexing, i forget how much time it saved (was bundled with multiple fixes at same time). But unfortunately while it would stop going red, i think the reindex might still fail [23:09:54] because the reindex tasks themselves aren't recoverable, and there is a reindex task per shard being reindexed spread around the cluster