[07:05:06] ryankemper: almost ready, will prep something today and give you the options we can test [09:01:26] pfischer: if you have some time: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/wikidata/query/rdf/+/1034861 (this was updated to include the actual v1 of the splitting rules) [09:33:56] dcausse: sure, looking [09:43:54] thx! [10:04:08] lunch [12:57:23] o/ [13:32:19] o/ [13:32:28] late lunch + errands [13:32:48] gehel of course I'm logged out exactly at this time. brt ;( [15:07:24] \o [15:07:51] o/ [15:08:57] o/ [15:58:19] ryankemper, inflatador these are some instructions to test the new wdqs.data-reload cookbook https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P64016 [15:59:56] dcausse: thx! will roll that wdqs deploy in a bit [16:00:05] thanks! [16:00:52] dcausse excellent, thanks for this [16:01:00] workout, back in ~40 [16:03:13] dinner [16:26:41] dinner [16:28:08] huh, the scroll time that elastic reports is all wonky. It has big steps instead of updating regularly, which makes the graphs report the cpu time used at 20k+ cores (clearly wrong :P) [16:28:44] the per-index stat that we load into prometheus with the exporter. Not sure what to do with that... maybe make the rate over an hour and pretend it's fine [17:52:06] lunch, back in ~40 [18:29:43] lil late to pairing [18:37:57] inflatador: okay back around now [18:38:14] Oh just saw the time change [18:38:29] ryankemper yeah, I have to leave to pick up my son in ~5m ...sorry for the late change [18:38:35] no worries [18:38:41] just gonna roll the wdqs deploy now [18:40:06] ACK, good luck. Will be back in ~30-40 [19:22:00] back [19:33:26] Question from my brother (also a software engineer): [19:33:40] > My friends have been asking me to build an app that sends them a notification when someone they have subscribed for dies. Is there an easy Wikipedia api I can hit that will give me that kinda info on a person? [19:33:58] ryankemper: in theory, wikidata [19:34:07] My initial idea would be querying wikidata for the list of people and then seeing if there is a date of death entry [19:34:26] ebernhardson: ok, sounds like we're on same page. that was first thing that came to mind for me but wasn't sure if there was some other api that would be better [19:34:28] if you have a Q item i would expect there are a couple properties you could check, although i don't know the specific ontology used [19:34:58] there isn't really an api for getting that kind of info from a page, the best you could do is perhaps checking for wiki-specific templates [19:35:39] ryankemper: they could also maybe just monitor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:2024_deaths [19:36:48] * ebernhardson is amused that 'Category: Deaths by year' has a bunch of subcategories with 1 page for years 0-1000 [19:37:16] BC [19:41:55] haha [21:16:40] ryankemper: wmf-config/CommonSettings.php [21:16:43] ryankemper: https://query.wikidata.org/bigdata/namespace/categories/sparql