[10:15:50] lunch [12:40:18] o/ [12:59:27] hm... sup on staging is failing to deploy [13:06:03] https://logstash.wikimedia.org/app/discover#/doc/0fade920-6712-11eb-8327-370b46f9e7a5/ecs-k8s-1-1.11.0-6-2024.27?id=AdFebpAB093XdQ4TIh04 [13:08:52] perhaps related https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/deployment-charts/+/1041161 ? [13:20:57] dcausse: do you need help to diagnose? [13:21:22] gehel: asked for help on T362978#9939646 [13:21:23] T362978: Update all helm modules and charts to be compatible with the restricted PSS - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T362978 [13:21:33] but unsure if related [13:22:31] wondering if possibly https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/deployment-charts/+/1041161 could be related [13:23:37] not sure if jayme is going to see the ping on a closed task. I'll ping him. [13:24:05] actually, he already replied! [13:24:22] I should have more faith [13:32:55] hey everyone! I'm back—and I even remembered the password to my laptop... just barely [13:34:03] Trey314159: hey, welcome back! [13:37:50] Trey314159: good to see you! [13:38:03] Nice you see you guys, too! [13:52:30] Trey314159 welcome back! We missed ya! [13:53:16] hey, inflatador—good to see you! [14:12:15] Trey314159: want to jump in a meet for a proper welcome? And tell us all about that sabbatical? [14:13:23] https://meet.google.com/nvb-hynt-znr (and obviously, the rest of the team is welcomed to join!) [14:13:30] Sure.. though there isn't much to tell [15:53:16] workout, back in ~40 [16:31:28] dinner [16:44:26] back [16:54:14] No rush, but I created T368950 to talk about migrating Elastic hosts to envoy [16:54:14] T368950: Consider migrating our Elastic TLS termination from nginx to envoy - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T368950 [17:35:08] lunch, back in ~1h [18:31:19] gehel: 2' [18:31:26] ack [18:31:42] back [20:33:20] quick errand, back in ~20