[10:01:13] lunch [13:01:55] dcausse: RDF updater supports two kinds of sinking to kafka, legacy and new - do we still support/use legacy? [13:07:52] pfischer: no, I planned to drop the legacy ones in https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/wikidata/query/rdf/+/958947 but forgot to move it forward [13:15:47] Okay, no worries, that simplifies things [16:15:22] dinner [21:18:49] hi! how's it going? I have a few questions about using the search API. thanks so much in advance for the help. [21:19:24] What I hope to do is use the API to get a full list of modules that call wikibase functions. Here is a query that I'm trying out: [21:19:45] https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&generator=search&gsrsearch="mw.wikibase"&gsrnamespace=828&prop=info&gsrqiprofile=empty&gsrinfo=totalhits&utf8=&gsrwhat=text&gsrlimit=500&format=json [21:20:26] questions are: [21:20:28] - For searching in modules (828 namespace) does it make a difference whether I use insource or not in the query, in terms of either results or performance? [21:20:30] - I used srqiprofile=empty since I don't care about the order, and will just continue through all the results to get the titles of all the matching modules. Is this OK? [21:20:32] - Any other feedback or suggestions for this? [21:20:34] thanks again!!