[02:29:12] the answer to the above was...we have exactly one metric in DataSender that was still correct, and i was looking at that on e:P [10:23:27] lunch [12:54:48] o/ [13:05:50] dcausse/ ebernhardson : do we have a ticket for the ParserOutputPageProperties cache issues? [13:15:01] gehel: no, it was only discussed over irc and gerrit [13:23:10] we'll create one if there is more work to do [13:30:19] sure, at this point Erik is collecting some data [14:28:16] \o [14:29:23] heading to my office, back in ~30 [14:30:31] o/ [14:35:11] * ebernhardson didn't quite expect my reply would get posted verbatim to linkedin, perhaps good it was diplomatic-ish :S https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7216861614615011328/ [14:38:02] dcausse: your redirects patch is still DNM, but i suspect we want that patch to help with the failing tag initialization. Does it still need anything? [14:46:05] ebernhardson: I marked it as DNM because I started to the "I wait for Xsec" for which I was not sure [14:46:22] but we decided to add it yesterday, lemme remove this [14:50:41] actually that was another test... probably me confusing the two [14:51:02] ebernhardson: updated at https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/CirrusSearch/+/1053253 [14:53:18] excellent, thanks [14:55:01] back [14:58:43] trying to deploy the split graph updater to staging again (using another approach with a single kafka sink) [15:11:20] ebernhardson: that was a pretty good reply to a difficult question! [15:11:39] (re https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7216861614615011328/) [15:43:52] i probably should have mentioned go-to-page as well though, 80% of search sessions don't see the results they are comparing because their information need is already solved [16:20:42] meh, was wondering why the split graph updater did not populate the subgraph topics... took me an hour to finally realize the config was commented... [16:21:59] anyways, found some bugs in the process, good news is that using a single kafka sink does fix my weird kafka issue... [16:43:52] going offline, have a nice week-end [16:45:14] thanks! Will try and review and understand whats going on [21:30:00] How many languages does search support? I don't even know! https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:TJones_(WMF)/Notes/How_Many_Languages_Does_Search_Support%3F [21:30:23] (First draft, needs proofreading. May try to convert to a blog post if anyone thinks that would be a good idea.) [22:00:09] Trey314159: you should totally make that into a blog post. I think we should talk a lot more about the things that the movement and its software does to try and do a good job of i18n/l10n. [22:48:40] Trey314159: as usual, well done and humerous