[07:53:23] I’ll be out until 4pm CEST. [09:53:27] lunch [13:16:11] o/ [13:33:45] \o [13:40:57] o/ [14:19:11] hmm, not seeing a dual-axis option anywhere in superset for the line charts [14:19:20] (although it's mentioned in docs) [14:21:34] rather disapointed in the docs, the entire doc is "In the 'Customize' tab, scroll to the 'Y Axis' options. Here, you can assign each metric to either the left or right Y-axis." [14:21:50] but it's not there :P [14:28:13] inflatador: how are we looking for the host moves to new switch for today? [14:28:13] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16xoZuDeC_-o6s70uEMnvdgn4BlT1f8__WPYprRuduIA#gid=1162497652 [14:28:40] based on previous I'm guessing the elastic hosts can weather the brief blip to each [14:28:44] not so sure about wdqs [14:29:14] topranks we're good..feel free to move [14:29:44] super - thank you! [14:30:23] sorry for the misunderstanding...we can tolerate the drop on all these maintenances. Will update the spreadsheet [14:31:58] gehel we're cancelled for the wdqs sync today, is that right? dcausse and i will hop off if so [14:32:55] topranks OK, spreadsheet is updated to Sept 19, if I missed any later dates LMK. [14:33:36] inflatador: ok great thanks, that 's our last one so should be good <3 [14:57:19] dr0ptp4kt: oops, did not see your message before. Yes, I think we cancelled it [15:48:45] wdqs2021 is reimaged, but puppet's failing. Seems related to categories (as usual). Taking a look... [15:51:31] inflatador: iirc scap is not run after a re-image so perhaps the jars are not there causing the services to fail starting? [15:55:24] dcausse that seems likely. I do see scap-related errors. I'll try scap deploy and see what happens [16:29:52] OK, that did it...running the data transfer from 2022 to 2021 now [16:54:09] quick break, back in ~20 [16:54:19] b [17:19:14] annnd back [17:20:14] been awhile since plugging in my dock crashed my Mac. Good times [17:32:50] dcausse I think `wdqs2021` is ready, but LMK if not. Moved T373791 to "Needs Review" [17:32:50] T373791: Transfer a sane journal (subgraph:main) to wdqs2021 from wdqs2022 - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T373791 [17:40:19] inflatador: thanks, looking [17:47:39] dinner [17:59:04] lunch, back in ~40 [18:20:55] all the graphs are on the dashboard now, might still tweak labels/titles a bit but the data should be there: https://superset.wikimedia.org/superset/dashboard/search/ [18:39:43] back [19:33:28] hmm, is there any reason to expose the various rdf subgraph metrics to datahub? Not sure what the uses cases are [21:35:36] other random thought, should we simply make all of the discovery data in hdfs world readable? doing it piecemeal seems error prone, might be easier if everything did it