[00:56:46] Nor can I provide it myself as the update workflow is not public and the old updater doesn't work for commons [00:57:33] It may as well not exist [07:11:43] depooled wdqs1013, was apparently stuck for several days and recovered during the night with a very high lag [09:28:03] errand+lunch [13:12:32] dcausse sorry, that was my fault. I restarted the service last night, but forgot to depool [15:09:59] inflatador: np! [20:13:24] legoktm I'm not sure either... gehel or anyone else, any idea how to respond to T297995 ? [20:13:24] T297995: Remove authentication from Wikimedia Commons Query Services (WCQS) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T297995