[09:29:52] deployed the eventutilies refactoring for the wdqs updater in codfw, looking good so far... [09:30:24] will deploy it to eqiad this afternoon if nothing breaks in between [09:55:35] meh tried to redeploy the cirrus-streaming-updater to start indexing wikitech and it's failing with java.lang.NullPointerException\n\tat org.wikimedia.discovery.cirrus.updater.producer.graph.UpdateEventMerger.merge(UpdateEventMerger.java:146) in staging... [10:03:41] ah, actually it's broken since months... [10:04:20] probably a corrupted state, will redeploy [10:27:40] errand+lunch [13:58:39] thanks for the invite dcausse, i hope I wasn't too annoying ;) [13:59:10] ottomata: no, these are good things to take into consideration! [14:14:43] o/ [15:50:43] quick errand [16:42:47] wdqs/wcqs RDF updates are now public: https://stream.wikimedia.org/v2/ui/#/?streams=rdf-streaming-updater.mutation.v2 & https://stream.wikimedia.org/v2/ui/#/?streams=mediainfo-streaming-updater.mutation.v2 [16:43:16] great! I'll need to add that to the next WDQS update! [17:36:19] heading out, back later tonight [18:08:32] Oh wow streaming RDF updates, today must be Christmas [18:09:08] How would I transition from using runUpdate.sh to the new workflow? [18:09:28] And does the streaming workflow also include Lexeme data?