[09:12:07] o/ [13:02:21] Trey314159 gehel might you be interested, results of the 2025-02 mlr a/b test are available at https://people.wikimedia.org/~gmodena/search/mlr/ab/2025-02/ [13:43:59] late lunch+break [14:21:40] gehel just got https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T382906 back from DC Ops, are you able to review it and approve the quote for new Elastic hosts? [15:23:22] gmodena: I will take a look at the A/B tests—there is a lot to digest! [15:24:47] inflatador: done [15:24:59] gehel ACK, thanks [15:54:05] Trey314159 no rush! I spent a couple of hours on it, but I'm not fully done reviewing yet [16:13:12] ryankemper just a heads-up that I updated https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/1121726 so you'll need to pull down my changes if you want to make any other updates [17:04:23] ryankemper we're in the DPE SRE/Search Platform mtg w/Taj [17:34:12] workout, back in ~40 [18:18:09] sorry, been back awhile [18:34:34] Trey314159 if you have some spare cycles in the upcoming days, would you be able to help me with a code review (articlecountry keyword)? https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/CirrusSearch/+/1120938 [18:35:02] gmodena: sure thing! [18:35:09] Trey314159 thanks! [19:01:37] lunch, back in ~40 [19:09:06] inflatador: ah crap made the mistake of lying down after the wmde morning meeting thinking I had an alarm set [19:09:13] thanks for the attempted heads up [19:56:49] sorry, been back awhile [21:05:33] FYI, I'm running a rolling restart of both production cluster to apply some Java updates. Holler if you notice anything wrong