[08:37:28] 10CAS-SSO, 10Gerrit, 06Infrastructure-Foundations: gerrit.wikimedia.org should use IDP for login - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T147864#10622444 (10hashar) [10:20:13] 10Packaging, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 06SRE: Package php-ast in {stretch,buster}-wikimedia/component - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T280210#10622795 (10jijiki) [10:27:57] 10CAS-SSO, 10Bitu, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10Phabricator, 10Striker: Inconsistent mapping of Developer accounts and SUL accounts across Phabricator, Bitu, and Striker - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T388498#10622828 (10Arendpieter) [10:36:55] FIRING: MaxConntrack: Max conntrack at 81.73% on krb1001:9100 - https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Monitoring/check_conntrack - https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/oITUqwKIk/netfilter-connection-tracking - https://alerts.wikimedia.org/?q=alertname%3DMaxConntrack [10:46:55] RESOLVED: MaxConntrack: Max conntrack at 80.67% on krb1001:9100 - https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Monitoring/check_conntrack - https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/oITUqwKIk/netfilter-connection-tracking - https://alerts.wikimedia.org/?q=alertname%3DMaxConntrack [11:06:46] 10CAS-SSO, 10Bitu, 10Gerrit, 06Infrastructure-Foundations: gerrit.wikimedia.org should use IDP for login - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T147864#10622954 (10Arendpieter) [11:09:59] 10netops, 06DC-Ops, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10ops-eqiad, 06SRE: Q2:rack/setup E8/F8 new leaf switches - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T382017#10622967 (10cmooney) @VRiley-WMF I've fixed up the scs links in netbox now, moving the cables to the new devices. To set the boxes to 'active' (needed b... [11:10:26] 10CAS-SSO, 10Bitu, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 06Security-Team, 06SRE: SSO kill switch for crucial services - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T233938#10622971 (10Arendpieter) [11:11:51] 10CAS-SSO, 10Bitu, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10Phabricator, 13Patch-For-Review: Phabricator should use IDP for developer account logins - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T377061#10622978 (10Arendpieter) [11:15:02] 10Packaging, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 06serviceops, 06SRE: Package php-ast in {stretch,buster}-wikimedia/component - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T280210#10622983 (10hashar) 05Open→03Resolved a:03Legoktm **TLDR: this was solved by @Legoktm in October 2021** I am adding back #serviceops... [11:21:34] 10netops, 06DC-Ops, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10ops-eqiad, 06SRE: Q2:rack/setup E8/F8 new leaf switches - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T382017#10623041 (10cmooney) [11:26:10] 10CAS-SSO, 10Bitu, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10Phabricator, 10Striker: Inconsistent mapping of Developer accounts and SUL accounts across Phabricator, Bitu, and Striker - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T388498#10623051 (10Aklapper) > Phabricator: Accessible at https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/. U... [11:30:06] 10netops, 06DC-Ops, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10ops-eqiad, 06SRE: Q2:rack/setup E8/F8 new leaf switches - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T382017#10623075 (10cmooney) @robh did Myriad send us the license files for these two new QFX5120-48Y switches? [11:38:55] does anyone know if symlinks work on our apt servers (esp. with the rsync etc)? [11:39:24] reason I ask is our Juniper ztp cookbook causes a new switch to download a file called "qfx5120.tgz" from /srv/private/junos/ [11:39:55] it would be kind of handy to symlink the actual file name (containing junos version etc) to this short name rather than rename it [11:39:57] if that worked [11:40:06] not very important, I didn't do it for the new ones as I wasn't sure [11:58:30] 10CAS-SSO, 10Bitu, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10Phabricator, 10Striker: Inconsistent mapping of Developer accounts and SUL accounts across Phabricator, Bitu, and Striker - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T388498#10623156 (10Arendpieter) [11:58:52] 10CAS-SSO, 10Bitu, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10Phabricator, 10Striker: Inconsistent mapping of Developer accounts and SUL accounts across Phabricator, Bitu, and Striker - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T388498#10623158 (10Arendpieter) >>! In T388498#10623051, @Aklapper wrote: >> Phabricator: Acces... [12:07:44] topranks: no idea but it should be easy enough to test, so you can decide what's best [12:07:56] for example with a one-off rsync etc.. [12:08:26] I don't recall anything against symlinks though [12:09:47] ok yep maybe I can try [12:10:37] thanks! [12:14:46] dear foundations I am decomming kafka hosts which I think they had different mtu config [12:14:49] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/rCQE0zPM/image.png [12:14:55] anything not in order here? [12:18:26] o/ [12:18:31] not that I can see [12:18:51] anything that worries you in particular? [12:19:08] not all, but better safe than sorry [12:20:18] effie: that diff looks all good and standard for a server decom [12:20:34] but thanks for checking! [12:20:54] sorry for the bother you guys [12:20:57] cheers [12:21:13] on the switch side, all the server facing ports have a mtu of 9192 [12:21:40] I think I recall something when we put the kafka jumbo hosts, but it is all a a blur :p [13:40:00] 10CAS-SSO, 10Bitu, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10Phabricator, 10Striker: Inconsistent mapping of Developer accounts and SUL accounts across Phabricator, Bitu, and Striker - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T388498#10623643 (10Aklapper) I don't see how this //blocks// T189531. [14:07:41] 10CAS-SSO, 10Bitu, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10Phabricator, 10Striker: Inconsistent mapping of Developer accounts and SUL accounts across Phabricator, Bitu, and Striker - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T388498#10623802 (10fnegri) @Arendpieter thanks for creating this task, it's something that has... [14:40:48] 10CAS-SSO, 10Bitu, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10Phabricator, 10Striker: Inconsistent mapping of Developer accounts and SUL accounts across Phabricator, Bitu, and Striker - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T388498#10623966 (10Aklapper) [14:40:57] 10CAS-SSO, 10Bitu, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10Phabricator, 10Striker: Inconsistent mapping of Developer accounts and SUL accounts across Phabricator, Bitu, and Striker - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T388498#10623967 (10Aklapper) [17:18:21] 10CAS-SSO, 10Bitu, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10Phabricator, 10Striker: Inconsistent mapping of Developer accounts and SUL accounts across Phabricator, Bitu, and Striker - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T388498#10625058 (10bd808) > Striker: Deployed at https://toolsadmin.wikimedia.org. Users can lo... [17:19:30] 10CAS-SSO, 10Bitu, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10Phabricator, 10Striker: Inconsistent mapping of Developer accounts and SUL accounts across Phabricator, Bitu, and Striker - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T388498#10625093 (10bd808) [17:35:09] 10CAS-SSO, 10Bitu, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10Phabricator, 10Striker: Inconsistent mapping of Developer accounts and SUL accounts across Phabricator, Bitu, and Striker - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T388498#10625257 (10bd808) > Consistent and synchronized account connections across Phabricator,... [20:34:15] 10CAS-SSO, 10Bitu, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10Phabricator, 10Striker: Inconsistent mapping of Developer accounts and SUL accounts across Phabricator, Bitu, and Striker - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T388498#10626198 (10Arendpieter) @bd808, thank you for the explanation! A possible outcome of th... [21:01:07] 10CAS-SSO, 10Bitu, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10Phabricator, 10Striker: Inconsistent mapping of Developer accounts and SUL accounts across Phabricator, Bitu, and Striker - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T388498#10626311 (10bd808) >>! In T388498#10626198, @Arendpieter wrote: > @bd808, thank you for... [21:40:15] 10netops, 06DC-Ops, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 10ops-codfw, 06SRE: Install and cable Nokia test devices and test servers in codfw - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T385217#10626536 (10Papaul) lsw2-e8-codfw transceiver and cable type ` --{ + state }--[ interface ethernet-1/10 ]-- transceiver {...