[08:30:14] <_joe_> !issync [08:30:14] Syncing #wikimedia-sre (requested by joe_oblivian) [08:30:16] Set /cs flags #wikimedia-sre sirenbot +Aiotv [10:01:52] <_joe_> !refresh-topic [10:01:53] Topic updated to 📟 https://icinga.wikimedia.org/alerts 📟 https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/SRE | Channel is logged at https://wm-bot.wmflabs.org/libera_logs/%23wikimedia-sre/ | SREs on call: godog, jayme [10:02:13] <_joe_> heh it cannot do it clearly here without being op [10:02:44] <_joe_> !refresh-topic [10:02:44] Topic updated to 📟 https://icinga.wikimedia.org/alerts 📟 https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/SRE | Channel is logged at https://wm-bot.wmflabs.org/libera_logs/%23wikimedia-sre/ | SREs on call: godog, jayme [10:04:18] Amir1: lists isn't fully refreshed on the certificate again [10:05:12] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T293826 [10:17:47] I'm not the maintainer nor owner of mailman. I just did the upgrade in my volunteer capacity even before joining wmf and it has an owner too. I'm also eating lunch. There are way better people you can ping. [10:19:40] Unless things are on fire, please create a phab and subscribe me. I get to it in the right being priotized with the rest of my tasks including the incident we had today [10:20:33] will create task but https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Developers/Maintainers does list you and kunal as the contacts and just SRE as in charge [12:14:16] we'missing a session (again) for the SRE meeting next week (Aug 22nd) [12:14:18] we're* [12:14:24] anyone up for it? [13:02:03] paravoid: I am! [13:02:28] if it's not taken already [13:11:04] Developers/Maintainers is incorrect to some degree, again. I'd be happy to help but if either there is a fire or I have some time [13:11:36] Amir1: that works :) do you want to put it on the agenda? [13:12:01] sure [13:12:36] I'm imagining a two part session [13:12:50] or in other words, two sessions [20:37:22] Do we have a standardized method for graphs on wikitech? I see that we don't have e.g. the graphviz extension enabled [20:40:36] I think the ones we have are just uploaded as SVGs -- sometimes from graphviz, sometimes from google drawings [20:41:07] my guess is that isn't an intentional standard as much as it's just what folks have done :) [22:05:09] Hello team, is it possible to see a more detailed output of the Puppet Catalog Compiler to see what changed? In the results I can see "All hosts have differences" but I'd like to seehttps://integration.wikimedia.org/ci/job/operations-puppet-catalog-compiler/36767/console [22:05:31] * denisse|m pressed enter before finishing redacting the message [22:05:59] Hello team, is it possible to see a more detailed output of the Puppet Catalog Compiler to see what changed? In the results I can see "All hosts have differences" but I'd like to see what are those differences to ensure that only the things that should change are changing. This is my change: https://integration.wikimedia.org/ci/job/operations-puppet-catalog-compiler/36767/console [22:06:15] from "all hosts have differences" you're at https://puppet-compiler.wmflabs.org/pcc-worker1001/36767/ right? [22:06:26] if not I can back up and explain how to get there first :) [22:06:45] but if so, all you have to do is click on one of the hostnames listed below that message -- you get the diffs for each host separately [22:07:49] the link under "Change catalog" is the full catalog as it would be _if_ you merged [22:08:43] rzl and mutante That's exactly what I was looking for!! Thanks a lot!! :D [22:09:03] rad :) [22:09:39] the other useful tip is the "full diff" link -- in your change, it doesn't get you any extra information, but if you're adding or removing an entire resource, that's the way to expand it and find out exactly what that resource is [22:10:26] rzl: Nice!! Thanks for sharing. :)