[00:11:07] Oh sorry [00:12:37] That is me. I put snapshot1008 into insetup earlier as part of https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T325228 [00:42:44] btullis_: it makes sense to put it in setup role but that doesn't remove it from scap groups. [00:42:53] it's the dsh.yaml [00:42:59] hieradata/common/scap/dsh.yaml: - snapshot1008.eqiad.wmnet [00:43:29] it means scap will still try to push files over there [00:44:14] snapshot are special in "not in conftool but ALSO in scap.. as individual special cases" [00:44:42] the "dsh group" mediawiki-installation is a combination of a couple conftool groups AND a list of "random" hostnames [00:46:57] Does it require immediate action on my part? I am away from keyboard, but I could get there if it's important. [00:47:26] not until next deployment for sure.. and no.. [00:47:34] because I can merge this: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/1032610 [00:47:59] I'll remove it [00:48:21] ack, thanks. [00:49:09] Apologies, I do not know much about dsh yet. [00:49:23] just keep it in mind when you go to the next snapshot host.. that you have this list of host names in that yaml [00:49:49] it's very confusing.. dsh is just the name of a tool we used in the ancient past [00:50:03] affirmative. [00:50:07] but snapshot is special :p [00:50:22] because it gets mw deployments [05:25:20] I restarted wikibugs [09:24:31] which host I should login to run authdns-update? [09:24:38] dns100[12] doesn't work? [09:26:03] Amir1: I usually ssh to their public names, e.g. ns1.w.o [09:26:17] yup, thanks! [09:26:22] sure np [10:10:51] that's odd... I often do it after sshing to dnsXXXX and it works ok [10:11:40] Amir1: we're at dns1004 [10:12:04] yeah, I should have continued upwards, I gave up after 1002 [11:13:30] ah ok - it was the actual login didn't work, not authdns-update once on there [11:19:43] yeah [11:19:46] sorry, my bad [11:54:22] Amir1: where did are you seeing dns100[12]? because we should update that; I tried to make sure that that was up to date but clearly not [11:54:43] s/did are/are [12:27:08] I think I was used to authdns1002 [12:50:44] that's fair. so now there is no authdnsN, just dnsN and any (one) host in A:dnsbox is fine to run authdns-update [12:56:46] Amir1: there may be some way to teach your shell about ~/.ssh/known_hosts.d/wmf-prod and then you get tab completion [13:04:29] I do have the wmf-sre package (whatever its name is) and use that, somehow didn't use tab completion, probably needed more coffee. My bad. [13:05:34] sukhe: one thing in doc is that it would be great to have a section in DNS (https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/DNS) for standard dns update process. e.g. go to this host, run this. [13:05:54] at least there, I will have the host name [13:06:42] thanks, I will update https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/DNS#authdns-update and add it under there [13:09:37] Thanks [13:19:16] Amir1: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/DNS#Deploying_DNS_changes [13:19:27] I moved it as the first section as the rest of the page is quite detailed [13:19:55] sukhe: Thank you so much <3 [13:19:59] you're the best [13:20:21] ha hardly but ok :P [13:32:43] :) [13:32:46] er wrong window [16:18:24] very helpful wikitech page denisse! [16:19:35] still connects to ns0.wikimedia.org [16:19:47] sukhe: Thanks! :) [17:46:52] trying to rsync data between 2 hosts and used auto_firewall = true, with nftables instead of iptables. and it's like neither working nor not working. "sent 32 bytes received 232 bytes 2.02 bytes/sec" what ?:p [17:47:12] LOL [17:47:20] it seems weird to not just timeout completely but 'a few bytes' [17:47:47] maybe there's some icmp reject or something to account for the bytes? [17:48:02] hm, good idea. yea [17:48:44] let me first try if everything works when I change the firewall provider back to iptables I guess [17:48:51] just to rule out things [17:50:32] oh.. permission problem to create a new subdirectory .. well...then [18:21:41] by default rsync server only listens on , unless you actively pass "empty string" to the "address" parameter. which explains there was always a weird delay first when it tries IPv6 until it gives up. Since we include rsync::server in a bunch of places with the defaults.. but all the names have IPv6 records now, I assume this delay is all over the place but since it _eventually_ works we [18:21:47] didnt notice it much. [18:40:28] need rsync protocol filter for envoy [18:56:52] regardless of listening on IPv6, still can't push to it over IPv6 with auto_firewall in combination with nftables. nftables::service uses wmflib::hosts2ips which uses dnsquery::lookup and the resulting nft rules also has both v4 and v6 ... but rsync only works with -4 [18:57:24] still trying to figure out the missing link [19:01:57] is it the correct v6 address? [19:03:06] yea, looks correct. it resolves to the host I am coming from [19:05:26] ICMP works [19:43:17] cdanis: it's because my source host as 2 public IPs bound to the same interface :p it works better when I specify --address with rsync to tell it which one to use as source IP [19:43:35] what are the two IPs out of curiosity? [19:43:44] lists.wikimedia.org and lists1001.wikimedia.org [19:43:49] hah [19:43:58] indeed [19:46:43] somehow this matters only for v6 though