[00:09:27] I finished the clinic duty - like 3 weeks of maint-announce cleared up - access requests mostly blocked by managers not approving - i'll now set them to stalled and will be back Tuesday. not here tomorrow. happy long weekend.. quit [04:04:22] Why wasn't the maintenance announce queue not done during 3 weeks? That's not nice [09:31:28] XioNoX: happy to try the vlan move whenever. lemme know if you'd like me to drive it [09:35:22] hnowlan: alright! [09:35:44] hnowlan: I'll take care of the first one [09:36:00] hnowlan: I need from you the paramters to pass to the re-image cookbook [09:38:13] I'll call the reimage coobkook with the extra `--move-vlan` parameter, but I need to know if there are any specific parameters for that host [09:46:15] XioNoX: nothing special, just with --os bullseye [09:50:59] (running it in dry-run [09:51:00] ) [09:54:33] found some potential issues [09:54:36] looking into them [09:55:14] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/PgqnM79f/ [09:56:58] GitLab needs a short maintenance in around one hour. [10:00:01] hnowlan: let's push it to monday, I think I know what the issue is, but I'd like to run it through v.olans [10:01:51] XioNoX: grand, no worries! [10:02:00] just ping me whenever [11:10:55] GitLab maintenance done [18:58:16] as an idle curiosity: here's an absolute monster of a trace from a few days ago https://trace.wikimedia.org/trace/2ba1f2755f6f3d4ebd35cb95d1430197 [19:05:46] wdqs? hmmm [19:11:25] and here's apparently what happened when you don't have a wikidatawiki session, but do have a centralauth one: https://trace.wikimedia.org/trace/0d984b6800cc5368a6c1f41839ef7859 :) [19:15:42] * inflatador suddenly wants to distributed-trace all the things [19:18:20] :)