[09:48:36] hi folks. we will be bringing margu live shortly at 10:0 UTC by merging https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/dns/+/1025366/5/geo-maps [09:48:58] Amir1: godog: ^ [09:49:00] 🍿 [09:49:00] 🍿 [09:49:08] topranks: ^ [09:49:13] cheers sukhe, thanks for the heads up [09:49:28] and good luck [09:49:28] ah, vg already brought popcorn, so I'll bring a beer 🍺 [09:49:43] fabfur: like Bender would do :) [09:49:48] \o/ [09:50:00] https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExa3hoN3AyaW1pcXRlcmtoeDF0M3lqZmc4eTdyeDhtOThqemR5YXdkYyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/3oKHWikxKFJhjArSXm/giphy.webp [09:50:54] +1 from me [09:53:56] https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/oMIu2XI4z/cdn-data-transfer-rates?orgId=1&var-site=magru should be useful :) [09:54:28] <_joe_> https://media.makeameme.org/created/code-looks-good-5a8c3d.jpg [09:54:33] https://grafana.wikimedia.org/goto/l7HsW4USg?orgId=1 <-most generic [09:56:24] vgutierrez: there is actually a small discrepency on those graphs, the metric being graphed appears to be in bytes, but the unit setting for the grafana graph is bits/sec [09:56:47] doesn't really matter much, just numbers didn't tally with the router port utilization I was seeing so checked [09:56:51] * volans watching [09:57:07] topranks: could you be more specific? [09:57:15] topranks: meaning.. which graph is the offending one? [09:57:32] the "varnish frontend traffic" was the specific one I was looking at [09:57:34] ok, here goes [09:58:00] O.O [09:58:27] topranks: noted, I'll take care of that later [09:58:34] np, thanks [09:58:44] topranks: haproxy is still the one that matters though :) varnish doesn't get external traffic [09:59:06] sure, yep [09:59:35] the haproxy one has the same thing btw [10:01:36] number of sessions in haproxy increasing... 📈 [10:04:14] slow and steady [10:04:20] yep [10:04:34] it's also 6am there [10:05:17] yep, that was intentional [10:05:40] I know, just saying as we don't expect that much traffic right now [10:06:13] even if we look at the country split, BO and PY are right at the bottom: https://w.wiki/AMUF [10:06:26] fixing some dashboard w/ missing magru site [10:08:01] Some day I will read magru without hearing "I'm a magru, I'm a magru" [10:08:15] [context: https://web.archive.org/web/20051027202540/http://www.nyanko.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/fas/hat_gnu.html ] [10:09:16] the original name was imgru (a play on "I am Groot") till volans had the wisdom to suggest magru :) [10:09:26] we can all be glad we didn't go with the former [10:10:15] then we would’ve had to add imgur to puppet.git/typos I guess ^^ [10:16:23] ^this [10:30:49] 😍 [10:36:03] I have created https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T367155 for that gerrit error we are getting on every patch [10:36:15] I didn't find any similar task, if there's one, let me know and I will merge them [10:37:22] see _security [10:37:42] there is a task open for the broken tool but also questions on why it active on patches that have nothing to do with mediawiki [10:37:45] oh :) [10:38:00] thanks volans [10:38:31] yw :) [12:49:49] ack thanks [13:17:17] late, to the party, ack [15:24:17] [noise] [15:24:17] Lovely WMF peeps, wanted to thank you for the public docs at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org :-) [15:24:17] we are taking good inspiration from them while running our local associative ISP [15:24:17] see: https://agora.exo.cat/t/2024-06-08-07-14-14-55-indisponibilitat-parcial-de-servei-vms/332 [15:24:17] [/noise] [15:24:17] wow thank you evilham!! very cool [15:24:17] thank you :-D [15:24:17] Nice! Thanks! [15:25:21] evilham: this kind of noise is highly appreciated :D [15:26:39] evilham: not noise at all, that's super cool! [15:29:33] ✨ you all are super cool and doing great work ^^ ✨ [15:53:32] <_joe_> evilham: thanks <#