[13:25:09] Amir1, godog, herron, jhathaway I'm going to depool text@esams to be able to turn IPIP encapsulation there [13:25:23] 🍿 [13:35:50] thanks [14:56:18] hi folk - FYI, I plan to start updating conftool for T365123 starting at around 15:30 UTC today. this should be a fairly low-risk release, but please let me know if you have questions / reservations. I' [14:56:19] T365123: Make dbctl check for depooled future masters - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T365123 [14:56:29] I'll be fairly noisy about what I'm doing :) [15:18:39] swfrench-wmf: will you start from the generic nodes or the cumin hosts? [15:18:45] thanks for the head upo [15:30:17] volans: I was planning to canary on cumin2002 (just basic smoke tests for read-only operations), as it's "less popular" for long-running operations but is still used [15:30:30] let me know if you'd recommend a different host [15:40:59] swfrench-wmf: I don't recall how much the changes affect the client on random hosts that have the package [15:43:48] volans: I'm not quite sure I understand. do you mean updates to the client package affecting software that uses it? (e.g., a running cookbook) [15:45:37] I meant https://debmonitor.wikimedia.org/packages/python3-conftool ;) [15:45:59] while https://debmonitor.wikimedia.org/packages/python3-conftool-dbctl and https://debmonitor.wikimedia.org/packages/python3-conftool-requestctl are installed on a very small subset [15:46:12] so I don't recall if the core conftool package has changes or only the extensions [15:54:44] volans: ah, got it - thanks for explaining. yeah, there are a lot of hosts that pull in conftool for scripts / timers (e.g., check primary DC, shutdown hooks). all the effectful changes in this release are in requestctl (your new command) and dbctl. [15:55:24] so I just wanted to understand what was your plan for the mass of hosts with just conftool :) [15:56:56] let debdeploy do its thing for P:conftool::client? :) let me know if you have a different recommendation [16:02:56] ack, we usually do per alias on debdeploy, but YMMV [16:02:59] * volans meeting [16:05:14] herron, jhathaway: fyi, I'm going to do a rolling reboot of sessionstore. No disruption is expected, but given it's in the critical path of edits, I figure you should be aware. :) [16:05:22] thanks [16:05:32] ok thx for the heads up [16:09:59] volans: thanks, got it. it sounds like you might have a specific procedure in mind, which I'd like to talk to you more about and then document. let's hold off on this for now, and I'll follow up with you directly.