[10:38:49] do we have existing puppetry to mask/disable a package-provided systemd timer? [10:41:57] we do have systemd::mask IIRC [10:42:16] Ah, yes, that's the badger. Thanks :) [10:44:12] dcaro: can I merge your toolforge::bastion change? [10:45:21] claime: oh yes please [10:45:34] dcaro: in progress [10:46:23] thanks! [10:48:03] done [11:01:12] soo we're having a bunch of Wikimedia\RequestTimeout\RequestTimeoutException that started around 9am UTC this morning [11:01:18] for mw-api-ext [11:02:01] I don't see any related SAL [11:04:22] reportin glogs link here for simplicity: https://logstash.wikimedia.org/goto/9c7086e0ce2a253a2ad35eb088a89960 [11:05:02] current status: we've around 5req/s of "The maximum execution time of 60 seconds was exceeded" errors [11:06:53] volans: let me read p [11:07:55] allf or commons [11:08:03] just noticed [11:10:19] I think all for 'allimages' [11:10:25] and all of them are `/w/api.php?action=query&aicontinue=*&ailimit=500&aiprop=canonicaltitle%7Csize%7Curl%7Csha1%7Cmediatype%7Cextmetadata%7Cmetadata&assign_time=*&format=json&list=allimages&seed_id=*` afaics, and from a single IP range AFAICS [11:10:45] yeah it looks some crawler [11:14:27] urbanecm: could you paste me the IP in private since you have already found it ? [11:14:35] effie: sure [11:43:15] apparently a single pod was misbehaving [11:43:29] deleteing the pod resolved the issue. PAge recovery arrived [11:43:41] urbanecm: I think you're free to go with your deployment, sorry for the delay [11:43:47] effie: do you agree? ^^6 [11:43:49] volans: yay! thanks, proceeding then [11:43:51] oh [11:44:15] * urbanecm waits for effie to respond just in case [11:45:26] thanks for the help silent j.o.e [11:50:39] sorry I had to step out for 5' as my kids came back [12:28:26] <_joe_> oncallers: I'm disabling puppet on the cdn, and merging changes one by one, I should not cause any issues, but I'll let you know when I'm done [12:29:08] ack, thx [12:31:11] ok [12:39:31] _joe_: thanks and gl [13:51:54] <_joe_> https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Requestctl&diff=2207181&oldid=2204692 [13:52:12] <_joe_> should I send an email to sre-at-large maybe [13:52:17] +1 [14:06:54] +1 [14:11:20] akosiaris just wanted to make sure we are still OK for creating kafka topics on kafka-main, re: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T367510#9902381 [14:23:03] <_joe_> inflatador: akosiaris is on vacation, but I think the kafka-main refresh is making disk space a scarce commodity [14:23:18] <_joe_> jayme: you maybe remember? [14:23:29] _joe_ ACK, had that in mind when I asked [14:24:07] <_joe_> or claime [14:25:02] dcausse ^^ [14:25:38] yep, https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T368714 [14:25:55] a.kosiaris created procurement requests for more disks [14:26:19] ah, here [14:26:26] sorry. was in a meeting [14:27:05] np...we were looking at doing this today if that is still OK [14:27:07] yeah. d.causse already asked me about this a couple of hours ago [14:28:17] we'll be holding back the refresh until we have the new disks. So go ahead with what was agreed on already [14:29:07] ACK, thanks again jayme ... will get it started then [14:29:11] jayme: thanks!