[08:42:43] can anyone hint me as to which SRE team manages the Puppet master? I'd like to push a change affects `operations/private` to fix the umask used by git and I don't know who manages/knows them ( the patch is https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/1056201 ) [08:47:39] hashar: puppet is Infrastructure Foundations, I think elukey is working on stuff related to operations/private those days [08:47:53] ah excellent thank you! :) [08:48:39] and my english is crappier and crappier :-\ [08:52:39] hashar: o/ I can take a look today if it is not super urgent [09:13:13] hey folks, I'm wondering who owns our cloudflare account(s) if any? I'd like to get an exception for Citoid set up so that they don't bounce us for being a bot [09:13:17] I'm working on https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T370808 [09:13:36] and I should warn you I can do some pretty devastating puppy dog eyes if nobody helps [09:18:15] zip: you can add SRE I/F to the task, I guess we can have a look [09:18:22] thanks! [09:19:50] I've added the Infrastructure-Foundations tag to the ticket, is that right? [09:20:05] correct [09:22:35] fantastic, thank you for the help [09:24:12] management has Taken An Interest in this particular project and this one might amount to a great leap forward in solving the problem [09:24:25] zip: the bot in question is maintained by us and runs in prod right? [09:30:41] Yup. Citoid and Zotero translation-server [09:31:21] This is the top level ticket, for reference: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T362379 [09:31:59] I'll add some detail to the task [09:33:06] thx [09:43:20] zip: do you mind if I !bash that puppy dog eyes quote? ^^ [09:43:39] (now that it sounds like you got some help I feel less bad asking that :P) [09:45:56] ahha go for it [09:46:26] * Lucas_WMDE uses the opportunity to test whether the description on https://bash.toolforge.org/help is right [09:46:40] !bash and I should warn you I can do some pretty devastating puppy dog eyes if nobody helps [09:46:41] Lucas_WMDE: Stored quip at https://bash.toolforge.org/quip/OxIi5JABFFSCpsJzv-Un [09:46:43] I shall take my customary pride of place by being quoted a great deal saying things that are kind of mortifying to see collected in one place [09:46:48] I thought so, the bot *does* ack the submission these days [10:23:40] <_joe_> zip: that's how you build street cred [10:26:25] <_joe_> volans: if we do have a cf account I don't see why we should formally approve applying for the friendly bot list for citoid [10:26:50] <_joe_> it's clearly something we need for the functioning of the website. If zip needs an account, OTOH, I agree [10:33:34] _joe_: just because I'm noone ;) [10:33:50] <_joe_> pffff [10:34:34] <_joe_> volans: to move things forward, if you paste the questions in the form in the task so that zip can provide the answers [10:34:56] sure I've already the screenshots :D [10:35:19] <_joe_> volans: wait, the task is apparently a duplicate :) [10:35:56] lol [10:36:33] actually one is for the friendly one, another one is for the registered one [10:36:36] 2 different level [10:36:47] s/registered/verified/ [10:37:41] let me comment in there [10:37:44] friendly and verified [10:37:53] but in any case, it's best to keep the discussion in 1 task [10:37:59] <_joe_> yup [10:40:18] is it ok to paste screenshot of the full form? it's a public task [10:40:31] and it's a paywalled page on CF side [10:40:36] <_joe_> volans: go read the other task [10:40:48] I did [10:40:49] <_joe_> they already have that info and some needs some nuance [10:41:03] no this is a different form [10:41:08] <_joe_> uh [10:41:17] the one they have there is the public one for friendly bots [10:41:25] there is another one more "private" for verified bots [10:41:26] I 've just logged in in the CF account too btw [10:41:30] * akosiaris looking around [10:41:44] sent link in pvt [10:56:45] hang on, it's a dupe? [10:58:36] oh man, how embarrassing. good catch [11:00:56] there's a google docs form hanging off the blog post introducing friendly bots but i suspect it's been superceded by real UI [11:32:41] I am collecting the data to submit that form fwiw [11:37:09] A reverse DNS must be a domain suffix in the format .subdomain.example.com [11:37:20] actually this should be making it to the task, not IRC [11:40:14] interesting, one can submit the form but can't edit the submitted form (one doesn't even exist) [11:56:50] The help is much appreciated. [11:57:25] Genuinely this could leave us chasing the last 20% of errors [11:57:36] It could solve most of them [11:58:41] that'd be really cool if that's the case [12:57:11] Amir1: I didn't know about that tool, it's nice ! https://fault-tolerance.toolforge.org/map?cluster=s1 [13:00:29] ^_^ I hope it'd be useful