[09:20:40] fyi, mgmt switch in codfw rack C4 is down, so the servers are working fine, but you won't be able to reach their mgmt interface - https://netbox.wikimedia.org/dcim/racks/62/ [17:14:34] for PCC, I could have sworn that Hosts: cumin:A: used to work. that's no longer the case? [17:15:33] neither does A: but at least that's not surprising [17:19:16] so... how do I get it to run on all A:lvs without explicitly passing all the LVS hosts from a nodeset output I wonder [17:28:01] nothing worked so I ended up doing the nodeset output. if someone knows how to do it, please share? [18:36:19] sukhe: does Hosts: P:lvs DWYW ? [18:45:12] Emperor: yeah, P and O work fine but running it on an alias is not working [18:46:03] so in the above case, O:lvs::balancer would have worked but it's still the role and not the cumin alias [18:46:20] and I am pretty sure it worked in the past. but yeah, P and/or O it is for now [18:47:44] there are changes in puppet with Hosts: A:[thing] certainly