[08:31:08] good morning :) [08:31:31] as FYI I just added the first two wikikube workers behind maps.discovery.wmnet to serve traffic (weight=1 atm) [08:32:02] I'll keep an eye, but in case of issues with Kartotherian please just depool the wikikube workers via confctl [08:33:18] <_joe_> elukey: and wait, you didn't catch the opportunity to rename that thing? [08:33:18] <_joe_> :D [08:34:15] _joe_ there has been a lot of cleanup, we left naming as it was :D [08:34:53] also thanks to nemo-yiannis it now runs on nodejs20 [08:35:13] almost unbelievable [08:35:21] 10 major versions bump [08:35:28] :) [08:35:31] o/ [08:35:53] <_joe_> lol [08:35:58] <_joe_> and kudos to you all <3 [08:36:11] <_joe_> but I still can't get over that name after so many years :D [08:36:30] <_joe_> every time there was an outage I had to remember the spelling when restarting it [08:37:52] ahahhaah yes especially where the "th" goes [08:53:48] it helps if somebody explains to you how the name was created [08:55:15] it's karto-therion (I have no idea why the a was added). Therion being https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Therion_(band) and also meaning Beast in Greek (no, it wasn't named by a greek person, that person was Russian). [08:55:46] karto stands for map (χάρτης in Greek). [08:56:32] so, it's the map monster, map beast, map symphonic metal bad, whatever you wanna interpret it as. [08:56:40] TIL [08:56:44] we should put this on wikitech [08:57:07] I had 0 involvement in the naming, let me be absolutely clear about that. I was just told over beers. [09:45:28] <_joe_> akosiaris: your typo was incredibly accurate [09:45:57] <_joe_> "symphonic metal bad" is something I'd wear on a t-shirt :D [09:50:23] lol [11:55:08] with a picture of a tuba? :) [15:34:27] hello, does anyone want to try and debug sessions in beta for https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T385803 [21:44:42] swfrench-wmf: feel free to push it through without any -b [21:45:24] sukhe: ack, sounds good. I will pilot it on a single host first, but otherwise let it go at-speed :) [21:53:43] verified on my friend cp4040 [21:55:09] off we go to everyone else [21:56:26] :) [21:58:02] all done [21:58:21] thanks for being around while I mess with ATS :) [21:58:34] thanks. no worries, you do all the work anyway!