[09:04:53] Krinkle: o/ I think that you need to run /usr/local/bin/puppetserver-deploy-code when you cherry pick, there is a new post-merge step now on puppetserver nodes [09:23:45] <_joe_> Krinkle: wrong channel for beta questions. [12:50:35] elukey: thx, looks like one of the git commit hooks didn't run after my cherry pick. I figured a rebase would do it, but had to do an amend instead. [14:39:38] hello on-callers, I am playing a bit with kartotherian, if you see anything related to maps.wikimedia.org it is probably my fault [14:42:30] <_joe_> always playing with fire smh [14:42:54] and as usual being too considerate :P [14:43:58] <_joe_> sukhe: moving stuff around kartotherian is like moving plutonium bars, tbh I think caution is deserved in this case [14:44:15] <_joe_> not because of elukey's action, but because of, well, that thing. [14:45:32] I have another thing that I want to do, namely change the k8s pods weights so that more requests will flow to them (instead of bare metals0 [14:45:43] but I have an interview in 15 mins so not the right moment :D [14:45:56] <_joe_> lmk if you need help [14:45:59] atm I just pooled the remaining two k8s workers in both eqiad and codfw [14:46:04] ack thanks! [15:51:35] If you have some extra plutonium. I desperately need some [15:51:45] for peaceful purposes only [15:56:53] Amir1: compiling MariaDB got that expensive? ;P [15:57:35] :D [15:59:53] speaking of plutonium, I am going to change some weights for kartotherian in codfw (to push more traffic to k8s pods) [16:09:20] same in eqiad [16:17:53] something weird that I noticed is this https://logstash.wikimedia.org/goto/81bd58d747f495bfd803c404d3e481ee [16:18:31] the test probe seems to fail sometimes like [16:18:32] $ curl -k -i https://kartotherian.svc.eqiad.wmnet:6543/osm-intl/6/23/24.png [16:18:35] curl: (7) Failed to connect to kartotherian.svc.eqiad.wmnet port 6543 after 3 ms: Couldn't connect to server [16:18:44] only when I hit the svc endpoint though, nothing on specific backend nodes [16:24:17] seems to be happening only for k8s pods [16:30:23] I restored the previous lvs weights just as precaution, but this thing is very weird [17:08:09] there is something weird going on, so I precautionary depooled from the kartotherian-k8s-ssl lvs service all k8s nodes (eqiad and codfw) [17:08:13] I'll restart tomorrow [17:08:19] (pooled=inactive) [17:15:47] thanks elukey <3 [20:03:32] is anyone else getting a 503 from https://apt-browser.toolforge.org/ ? [20:04:18] err...502 that is [20:20:14] inflatador: same here [20:21:14] legoktm ^^ heads-up, LMK if I can do anything to help get 'er going again [20:45:00] (and thanks k-amila_ for checking)