[09:48:43] hello on-callers, as FYI Valentin just moved the docker-registry's LVS VIP to IPIP/Maglev (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T387294) [09:49:01] I tested it and nothing weird was registered, but keep an eye on deployments etc.. [09:50:41] ack thanks for the update [09:52:16] thank [17:01:31] I borrowed some hosts from the prod elastic cluster to go to relforge...my test is over, and I'm putting them back. Should I rename with their original names, or add them as all-new hosts? [21:43:15] I'm seeing `-wmf11377 1H IN A` in a diff while I'm running the rename cookbook, is anyone expecting this? [22:12:52] inflatador: that's an elastic machine. I saw chatter about repurposing elastic machines for relforge or the other way around.. so that would be: [22:12:56] bking [22:13:03] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/rONEDba7d0d85ad4445de0bc753f721988d7b29890de2 [22:13:15] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T387782 [22:13:17] mutante I am bking ;) [22:13:24] lol, damn:) [22:13:39] well, it's the cookbook that you ran to rename ? [22:14:10] I guess it's a bug [22:14:15] yeah, I think VRiley was maybe dealing with the other one? I saw she had the cumin lock for awhile [22:14:18] because the wmf tag should not change [22:14:47] Which one was that? I thought I closed it? [22:15:03] elastic1109 [22:16:25] "device 5074" to be really specific. that number should definitely not change: https://netbox.wikimedia.org/dcim/devices/5047/ [22:16:51] argg. except I can't type. 5047 [22:16:55] I ran the rename cookbook and it showed a DNS change that was unrelated to mine (see above). I bailed on the cookbook and waited a few mins and I didn't see that again [22:17:28] I don't think the above DNS change had anything to do w/my renames, just posting it for awareness [22:18:29] is the rename cookbook just running a full decom followed by a new install? [22:18:46] in that case maybe it's normal that it first removes all DNS and then adds it back [22:18:47] I'm not sure I ever logged into that one? [22:19:56] VRiley nah, the elastic stuff is fine. I've just never seen a diff for `wmf` entries like that before. Sounds like mutante has a better idea of what those are for ;) [22:20:05] is that elastic host [22:20:09] it does seem related [22:20:30] domain name pointer elastic1109.mgmt.eqiad.wmnet. [22:20:33] domain name pointer wmf11377.mgmt.eqiad.wmnet. [22:20:37] these are the same thing [22:20:44] that looks right then [22:20:44] it's normal that the mgmt entry has 2 DNS names [22:21:00] ah, OK...thanks. Sorry for the confusion [22:21:04] one includes the server name and the other is our internal WMF "asset tag" [22:21:12] that second one should not change on renames [22:21:24] but I imagine it's still normal that it temp removes it and then adds it back [22:21:38] due to the way the cookbook runs [22:26:58] yeah, I did it the whole repurpose/rename thing a few weeks back and it worked pretty well [22:27:56] in case you see that diff again you can check if that "wmf" name matches the host name via looking it up in netbox