[14:42:37] inflatador: ok to merge your patch ? [14:42:46] godog by all means! [14:43:47] inflatador: ok {{done}} [14:44:00] gracĂ­as [21:34:27] when running "reprepro -C thirdparty/ci --restrict=jenkins checkupdate bullseye-wikimedia [21:34:37] on APT servers, I am getting this unexpected error: [21:34:45] aptmethod error receiving 'http://downloads.linux.hpe.com/SDR/repo/mcp/dists/bullseye/current/Release': [21:34:48] 'Connection failed [IP: 80]' [21:35:06] what I want is to get a newer jenkins package.. and follow the docs for that [21:35:28] that hpe.com source seems unrelated [21:36:33] or is it just a random normal Debian mirror.. hrmm [21:42:38] yea, so linux.hpe.com is in /srv/wikimedia/conf/updates and I can manually curl that just fine.. but reprepro itself says it can't connect to that IP [21:51:29] noticed the URLs in the config file are http (not https) and how it's a proto-redirect locally. tried replacing http with https manually.. works