[04:07:22] https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bc/Paul_Revere%27s_ride_-_NARA_-_535721.jpg Krinkle informing developers of old production errors, c. 1775 (grayscale) [07:55:40] Change on 12meta.wikimedia.org a page Tech was modified, changed by ArchiverBot link https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=21906114 edit summary: [-2875] Bot: Archiving 1 thread (older than 30 days) to [[Tech/Archives/2021]] [13:15:44] Change on 12meta.wikimedia.org a page Tech was modified, changed by Dandarmkd link https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=21907013 edit summary: [+1181] /* Making features/tools on certain language Wikipedia */ new section [15:46:55] AntiComposite: :) [19:27:16] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/ProofreadPage/+/699086 is failing tests with "Undefined property: Parser::$mTemplatePath". But I don't touch any of that, so it's a bit odd [20:12:40] it may have been broken by a previous commit [20:15:18] i haven't rebased since it was working though [20:15:47] but I think it merges with master [20:52:00] Can't see anything obviously sus in recent core commits [20:55:25] TimStarling: do tests failing with "Undefined property: Parser::$mTemplatePath" ring a bell to you? [20:57:41] mTemplatePath comes from LST or DPL [20:57:45] https://codesearch.wmcloud.org/search/?q=mTemplatePath&i=nope&files=&excludeFiles=&repos= [20:58:29] LST contains a * @suppress PhanUndeclaredProperty Use of Parser->mTemplatePath [20:59:19] but it's weird [20:59:39] they are adding an array to a Parser object? [21:00:20] seems like [21:00:29] ideally it would use setExtensionData() [21:00:33] hmm, no [21:00:40] the Parser used to have that [21:01:12] * Platonides looks up bisect syntax [21:06:31] mTemplatePath was removed by Tim in c0c8bc506b8a203c44f26b60442153921d15c43f [21:06:39] ...back in 2008 [21:07:59] I guess this error is due to the tests being smarter, inductiveload [21:10:42] huh, how on earth did LST keep working for 13 years [21:14:49] it was probably adapted to continue working