[01:17:18] is this also where I mention issues with toolforge? [01:18:06] Oh it's uhhh [01:18:31] CropTool tells me I'm logged out, and when I try to log in it gives me an error message [01:18:32] Curl error: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired [01:18:57] #wikimedia-cloud is the toolforge-specific one, I think [01:20:26] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T292263 is the specific task if anyone else is curious, more generally see https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T283164 [01:21:51] Surprised the LE root changes broke stuff [01:22:18] Was it just super out of date and didn't have ISRG Root X1 trusted? [01:28:02] it's likely the OpenSSl issue described in https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/openssl-client-compatibility-changes-for-let-s-encrypt-certificates/143816 [01:28:29] not a lack of a trusted certificate, but a refusal to acknowledge the trusted certificate when there's an expired cert around [01:29:05] any reason why URL2Commons still works, then? [01:31:22] AntiComposite: Uhhh doesn't that require like OpenSSL 1.0.x [01:31:48] If anyone's using OpenSSL from that long ago I feel like you have bigger problems [01:32:26] Or maybe I'm overestimating when 1.1.0 was, but still. Keep yo stuff up to date. [01:32:40] bit of column a, bit of column b [01:32:40] wasn't it in 1952? [01:32:48] 1847, maybe [01:32:56] Something to do with Columbus? [01:33:27] i don't think OpenSSL is based on genocide, no. [21:51:56] Error deleting file: A Walk in the Sun.jpg [21:51:56] Error deleting file: An unknown error occurred in storage backend "local-multiwrite". [21:52:12] anyone know what this mean? [21:55:16] stanglavine: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T244567 [21:56:13] stanglavine: I guess it helps if you would comment there with affected file names [21:56:27] mutante: thank you, I will [21:57:10] thanks!, no problem