[00:25:15] Would it be a bad idea to create the possibility to enable dark mode directly on the wiki with extension usage? This one came sketched out in my mind, and I'm maybe thinking about developing it. (Without putting my full name on it, too big) [00:26:15] [[Tech]]; RonnieV; /* Python page.save failure */ new section; https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=22295197&oldid=22289168&rcid=20471262 [00:45:40] [[Tech]]; Legoktm; /* Python page.save failure */ Reply; https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=22295241&oldid=22295197&rcid=20471340 [00:48:12] [[Tech]]; RonnieV; /* Python page.save failure */ That's quick!; https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=22295248&oldid=22295241&rcid=20471346 [03:00:26] Are there any templates for the front page that i can fork? [08:58:51] [[Tech]]; Rubicop; /* No reciben los usuarios correo de recuperación */ new section; https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=22296134&oldid=22295248&rcid=20473489 [18:19:25] [[Tech]];; /* Language fallback chain on multilingual sites */ new section; https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=22298218&oldid=22296134&rcid=20477558 [22:15:11] Bad translation at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Newcomertasksinfo/en-gb, how is that fixed? [22:17:44] ffs [22:18:32] I just deleted https://translatewiki.net/wiki/MediaWiki:Newcomertasksinfo/en-gb [22:24:48] Dylsss: Cheers. Seems the same user had created quite a few en-gb that weren't en-gb [22:27:12] np [22:29:25] that deletion should show up on enwiki in 7 days with next week's MediWiki train deployment. It could be fixed in the near term on enwiki with a local message override that repeats the en-us string. Ideally someone would then also revert that local override once the bad translation is gone from the deploy side. [22:30:45] It's seemingly been wrong since April... [22:33:17] Reedy: Y U NO QA all en-gb strings!? ;) [22:33:31] lol [22:33:36] It's one of my hobbies [22:33:44] And deleting strings equal to the en version :P [22:40:10] En-GB gets messed up far too much [22:46:59] probably T286901 related [22:46:59] T286901: Explore options to avoid people translating into wrong language - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T286901 [22:57:04] Also daily-image-l mailing list seems to have character encoding issues since it was restarted on 2021-07-04 (T265568) [22:57:05] T265568: daily-image-l stopped sending on 2020-10-11 - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T265568 [22:57:53] Where would be the appropriate place to report that [23:00:14] Probably file a task similar to that one [23:00:28] The fact stuff is now being utf-8 encoded probably explains it [23:00:29] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T265568#7196895 [23:35:28] [[Tech]]; Tacsipacsi; /* No reciben los usuarios correo de recuperación */ there’s no such thing that “private Wikimedia”; support for private MediaWiki installs is on mediawiki.org; https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=22299062&oldid=22298218&rcid=20479411 [23:44:16] [[Tech]]; Tacsipacsi; /* Language fallback chain on multilingual sites */ probably performance; https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=22299068&oldid=22299062&rcid=20479418